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  1. Hi Exhale! I’m trying this again in a different forum in hopes that people will actually see. I’m officially in the running to become the first ever “Face Of Horror” - The winner receives $13,000, a walk on role in an Indi Horror Film, a photoshoot with Kane Hodder (Horror daddy famous for playing Jason), a two page spread in Rue Morgue Magazine, and a two night stay in Buffalo Bill’s house. Over half the competition was cut last night, in my group I’m currently in 5th place, but obviously the goal is to be first. Horror has always played a huge part in my life, so winning this would feel so right. But not just that, I’m a baby queen in Las Vegas and this could seriously help as a launching pad for a career in entertainment, or at least enough exposure to get bookings at clubs 😅😂 I’m also a huge Britney fan, and have been lurking on BH for like 10 years. 😅 It would be nice if a community I’ve been a part of for so long could help me out! The ONLY way to win, is by getting people to vote for you. Which is where you lovely people come in. 🙏 It’s incredibly easy to vote, you just follow the link in this post, and click “Free Daily Vote”- you do have to verify with Facebook, this is to prevent the same person from voting multiple times. But it’s simple, safe, and easy. Also, feel free to ask me anything- about the contest, about myself, anything! I’d really like to make some new connections and possibly friends, so I’m an open book! thank you so much for reading if you got this far ❤️ And Thank you in advance if you choose to help a bish out. xoxo 💋 ❤️ -Malibu Malibu D Luxx | Face Of Horror FACEOFHORROR.ORG Vote to determine who will win $13,000, a walk-on role in an independent film, a 2-night stay at Buffalo Bill’s House...
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