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Britney - NSNF Podcast

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Hey All,


I was just listening to 'Not Skinny But Not Fat' where amanda interviews Jenny Mollen (very funny) 

Amanda mentions she has some inside scoop on Brit and is hesitant to talk about it too much, but Britney was meant to go to an awards ceremony, had glam and hair organised but she 'got caught up dancing with her gardener'

This checks out completely, but also makes me sad. I just hope she is ok. 

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7 hours ago, ReyJay said:

Britney was meant to go to an awards ceremony, had glam and hair organised but she 'got caught up dancing with her gardener'

This checks out completely, but also makes me sad. I just hope she is ok. 


even worse if this was after her c-ship... was it?

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8 hours ago, ReyJay said:

Hey All,


I was just listening to 'Not Skinny But Not Fat' where amanda interviews Jenny Mollen (very funny) 

Amanda mentions she has some inside scoop on Brit and is hesitant to talk about it too much, but Britney was meant to go to an awards ceremony, had glam and hair organised but she 'got caught up dancing with her gardener'

This checks out completely, but also makes me sad. I just hope she is ok. 

What is the time stamp?

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if she doesn’t want to go, she doesn’t have to go.

she has so many awards already. so what she get another one and then everyone gonna judge her again.

when go through the stress of attending an award when you can do whatever you want.

leave her alone.

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So this nobody didn’t want to say but did anyway? ☠️ Anyways…

If true… that’s Queen behaviour lol ! Sorry but being “caught up doing other things” 😂 has me rolling! She doesn’t need to go to award ceremonies if she doesn’t want to anymore. That simple.

Arrested Development GIF

Edited by PlatinumB
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My answer to the podcaster: and? 

Britney does not have to go anywhere she doesn’t want to go to, either way she doesn’t have anything to promote. Why would she go through the trouble of attending an award show (fittings, hair/makeup, loud paparazzi/ anxiety inducing) just so the industry can get a ratings boost? Eff that.

Edited by monalisaney81
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9 hours ago, monalisaney81 said:

My answer to the podcaster: and? 

Britney does not have to go anywhere she doesn’t want to go to, either way she doesn’t have anything to promote. Why would she go through the trouble of attending an award show (fittings, hair/makeup, loud paparazzi/ anxiety inducing) just so the industry can get a ratings boost? Eff that.

You should listen to what they really say.

Apparently this happened recently and Britney had full makeup and dress ready but at the last minute "she caught a vibe dancing with her gardener".

She says Britney is her dream guest but she has accepted that she will never do an interview again because she's so mentally unwell.

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19 minutes ago, justhanging said:

You should listen to what they really say.

Apparently this happened recently and Britney had full makeup and dress ready but at the last minute "she caught a vibe dancing with her gardener".

She says Britney is her dream guest but she has accepted that she will never do an interview again because she's so mentally unwell.

Behind the scenes probably everyone knows Britney can’t handle interviews.

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