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I just relistened to Britney's Gram podcast days before Free Britney started in 2019 when TMZ broke news that Britney entered mental health facility due to distress over Jamie's illness and...


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Tess Barker said "there's no way Britney checked herself into a mental health facility she is there against her will because in a conservatorship she can't voluntarily enter treatment and there's been no paparazzi photos of her for many months" and I was shook...


did anyone else KNOW something was terribly wrong or did you believe the TMZ headline that she had checked herself into a mental health facility in April 2019 due to being distraught over Jamie's illness?

I remember in January of 2019 before she disappeared she was so happy grabbing fast food with Sam Asghari and didn't look whatsoever "distraught" so I strongly felt we were being lied to. What about you guys?


WE. HAVE. CONTACT. ...Or do we? An almost-too-on-the-nose meme breaks the silence as we discuss whether this EMOJI-LESS meme is posted after months of nothing. But the Britney army is...


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I started to check the gram pod around october 2018. They became suspicious of something going wrong after Wallet asked for more money... Tess used to go to the hearings.

The whole caption about postponing Domination because of Jamie health was a big Red flag. I thought it was a bad excuse, but because of the selling tickets, it was doing poorly.

Then Britney disappeared and Jamie (allegedly really bad) showed up very healthy at a friend wedding. 

For almost four months nothing, and I remember not only the girls,  but Bradley from muumuse saying the paparazzis couldn’t find Britney anymore, it was rare.

The "me time" was an obvious terrible lie. They probably knew people would find out and expose what was happening. 

Then we started with Britney forced facility videos saying she is fine and her "family was stressed and with anxiety", then the disturbing staged paparazzi candids with Scam.

Scam lying that Britney was completely fine... we can’t forget about this important detail. 

Britney gram and that man call saved Britney life and I don't think she even knows this happened. 

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1 minute ago, Dark Willow said:

I started to check the gram pod around october 2018. They became suspicious of something going wrong after Wallet asked for more money... Tess used to go to the hearings.

The whole caption about postponing Domination because of Jamie health was a big Red flag. I thought it was a bad excuse, but because of the selling tickets, it was doing poorly.

Then Britney disappeared and Jamie (allegedly really bad) showed up very healthy at a friend wedding. 

For almost four months nothing, and I remember not only the girls,  but Bradley from muumuse saying the paparazzis couldn’t find Britney anymore, it was rare.

The "me time" was an obvious terrible lie. They probably knew people would find out and expose what was happening. 

Then we started with Britney forced facility videos saying she is fine and her "family was stressed and with anxiety", then the disturbing staged paparazzi candids with Scam.

Scam lying that Britney was completely fine... we can’t forget about this important detail. 

Britney gram and that man call saved Britney life and I don't think she even knows this happened. 

I don't know that she knows about the paralegal either because she didn't mention him in the book...but maybe she intentionally omitted him in order to not bring attention to him and protect his identity. 

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29 minutes ago, Lola2790 said:

I don't know that she knows about the paralegal either because she didn't mention him in the book...but maybe she intentionally omitted him in order to not bring attention to him and protect his identity. 

It would be nice if she knows... but something tells me her people never told her about this person.

Edited by Dark Willow
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