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Current Britney Headlines: Guilt By Association?

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There's been an increased string of headlines about Britney as of late, do you think many of them are due to her being with the criminal housekeeper?

Guilt by association type of situation with his past it seems easier for Team Con, the media and mags to keep on painting this picture of Britney in the media.

If she dropped the housekeeper maybe things would settle down some?

Or is this a real love story... And is Britney innocent in everything?

Britney being with Paul seems to be resurfacing old accusations of being a homewrecker, to the media reporting dr*g use ect.

Namorado de Britney Spears: saiba quem é Paul Soliz, ex-funcionário contra  quem pairam dúvidas | Celebridades | Marie Claire

Edited by DiamondCircus
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