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Britney posts new video dancing with kitchen knives

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This fan base is divided compared to when we were rallying to free her. 

sigh, I was arguing with a friend over this and she was like perhaps the cship was correct for her until it got bad and she was put in that place.

im so over it. 

Britney can’t catch a break but she doesn’t make it better either. Unfortunately what she posts will give off that deranged image 

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18 minutes ago, Whitney Houston said:

Hlavně buď v klidu, už tady řeklo dost lidí dost bizarních věci. Užívá si toho že si může dělat co chce, chápu ji moc dobře. Užívá si té bezmoci že může dělat doma hlouposti a její rodina je bezzubá při pohledu na to protože ji nemají "v péči". Psi jsou v pohodě a byli daleko od ní a ona je viděla během jejich otáček :mhm_britney_nodding_yes_mhmm:

o psov sa nebojim, myslim si ze vedela co robi a mala to pod kontrolou. ale dost bizarne videa a je mi luto ze cely svet sa na nu pozera ako na cisteho blazna. :sad_britney_ftr_for_the_record:

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Those are not fake knives. That sound is legitimate.

Britney has been through unimaginable ****, but I’m not going to defend some of her actions, either. It’s her responsibility to get help. I know the system damaged her, but it’s either that or she’ll have to deal with the consequences of her actions next time things go awry.

I noticed that Sawyer was not totally comfortable in that one video where she was scratching him. She seems oblivious to how other people and even animals feel. I’m inclined to believe her sons when they say she tried to bathe them at ages 10 and 11.

All Sam had to do was wait two full years to get $1 million. He couldn’t even do that - even though he was already more than a year into the marriage. And he’s absolutely the type of user scum that would wait it out. With all due respect, I have a feeling that Britney needs far more help than she’s willing to acknowledge.

I had to unfollow her Insta. I’ll always love her and check on her Insta when I feel like it, but it’s upsetting getting these updates.

Edited by NotBuyingIt
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I’m sorry but the video is just tragic, with the poor scared dogs behind, then kitchen knives making that loud noise. She looks manic and I’m not even exaggerating. 

You guys should stop enabling such behaviour by comparing her to Shakira, whose choreography was made professionally, in a studio. Britney is not even dancing anymore. 

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1 minute ago, DiamondCircus said:

Interesting this behavior with the knives is being made out as a mockery that if people don't like it they can run, yet Juno gets a knife out and Britney fans melt down.

Enabling this is sad. 

She's not pointing a knife to no one, while Jamie was in public with knife running after someone


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13 minutes ago, Joel Santos said:

Madonna's Instagram only has 50 posts and nothing as bizarre as Britney's content.

because she probably scrapped it, but her videos were deemed as 'disturbing' from her fans


The Queen of Pop has posted several videos on her social media pages that have caused fans to speculate on her well-being over the last few months.


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13 minutes ago, Joel Santos said:

You touched on an important point: the hypocrisy of this fan base. They are always criticizing other artists for much less. It wasn't long ago that they created a topic to mock JT's appearance, and they were the same people who are always asking for respect and empathy for Britney. In this case of Taryn, I saw some here making insinuations about her mental health, saying that she needs help... And maybe she really does, and there's nothing wrong or shameful about that. But when Britney posts a video doing a bizarre dance holding sharp knives and terrifying her dogs and everyone else, those same people get upset when you don't think it's genius.

Exactly. Stans are blind most of time. If they see a problem with others doing the same, why not with Britney?

They quickly attack and keep calling others bad fans and negative... 

Sometimes we can tell they’re pretending so hard, making absurd excuses because they can't face the reality.

I bet most of them would drag Britney if they weren't fans.

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44 minutes ago, Soso said:

I’m sorry but the video is just tragic, with the poor scared dogs behind, then kitchen knives making that loud noise. She looks manic and I’m not even exaggerating. 

You guys should stop enabling such behaviour by comparing her to Shakira, whose choreography was made professionally, in a studio. Britney is not even dancing anymore. 

Agreed. I have said a trillion times that she is traumatized, was trafficked and abused, deserves time to heal, etc. But enabling her behavior isn’t helping, either. She doesn’t need a conservatorship, but she does need to take responsibility for her mental health OR she will deal with the consequences like everyone else. I’m not going to sit here and say her behavior is acceptable. Explanations as to how she got this way (e.g., the conservatorship, bullying, paparazzi, etc.) should NOT excuse her poor decisions and actions because the reality is that consequences are part of life.

People can also say that nothing bad ever really seems to happen to her, but I suspect things are quite grim - she just doesn’t have many close sources to spill the details.

Edited by NotBuyingIt
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Just now, Dark Willow said:

Exactly. Stans are blind most of time. If they see a problem with others doing the same, why not with Britney?

They quickly attack and keep calling others bad fans and negative... 

Sometimes we can tell they’re pretending so hard, making absurd excuses because they can't face the reality.

I bet most of them would drag Britney if they weren't fans.

Well said, it's picked up a lot as of late too Britney fans have been attacking JT on his looks, Taylor Swift on her looks, consistent bullying of XTINA, Jamie Lynn and the body shaming.

Yet it's always like Britney can do no wrong and then they have the audacity to say certain people deserve to be bullied.


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