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Victoria Prince, wife of Kevin Federline: "I am reminded on a daily basis the complex person that my husband's ex-wife is"

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Victoria Prince, convicted felon & wife of Kevin Federline, unemployed father of 6 who receives $60,000/month from Britney, said the following to a fan a couple of years ago:

When Britney called out Lynne last summer she posted the following:


Victoria has also gone on to claim Britney’s kids were her own, whilst posting private court docs on Instagram for the world to see. Unfortunately there is no screenshot but here’s proof of her doing exactly that:


In the past, Victoria had failed to pay her rent for 6 months and has been arrested for multiple things, including possessing a gun on school premises. Yet this is the same woman who was deemed more “safe” to be around Britney’s kids?

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For added clarity: Victoria was arrested for assault and disturbing the police, waged a terror campaign against three kids in high school and brought a dangerous weapon on school grounds. Britney’s kids don’t have the best role models at home. Someone should call CPA on the Feds!!

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