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What if Britney did something like this for B10?

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So Skylar Grey and deadmau5’s new song for Resident Evil was on my release radar playlist this week and it made me wonder what if Britney did something similar for her next album?

Like a “deep” house record (forgive the pun). I know house music is the new trend but I think deadmau5 has some really cool, dark beats that would work with the vibe Britney (allegedly) wants to go. Imagine something like Mona Lisa for the lyrical base but with these dark electronic house beats. It would truly be a Blackout 2.0 without just being a copy.


Danja hasn’t done anything great since either of were being honest.:queenflopga_pink_sass_walking_away_bye:

Anyway, what do y’all think? Would you like to see Britney work with more DJs and electric producers?


PS this is my first thread so don’t let me flop!:yesplease_yas_agree_preach:


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