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Three Card Cartomancy Reading

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i felt my intuition was saying do a cartomancy Reading.  so here we go

first card is six of Clubs. talks about movement, progress or completion in business or social matters.

Second card is Ace of spades.  talks about an ending and a new beginning

third card is jack of diamonds: talks about the start of a financial venture

this reading is very loud and clear.   i don't think i have to say anything else.  this is all alleged for entertainment purposes only

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12 minutes ago, RebellionSparkles said:

im so happy you are back to cartomancy. I value your intuition more than your card readings and its easier to glean your intuition w/ cartomancy vs. Tarot. even if your interpretations are "wrong" with playing cards, i love how much more of your intuition you give with cartomancy.

your intuition has been spot on. I stan.  :)


i agree.  i think Cartomancy might be the way to go

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