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Micce_InBut Black Out

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Yep, I do...the education system is ridiculously outdated and these days exams are taking much seriously than actually learning. It feels like everything you do is just for grade-sake. Once we were doing this extremely fun experiment until maam said that it counts for marks of our finals and everybody started taking it seriously and all the stuff. Why is everything about grades these days? The education system is really messed up.
So yeah, I would homeschool my children :mhm_britney_nodding_yes_mhmm:

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26 minutes ago, Blackout2006 said:

Yep, I do...the education system is ridiculously outdated and these days exams are taking much seriously than actually learning. It feels like everything you do is just for grade-sake. Once we were doing this extremely fun experiment until maam said that it counts for marks of our finals and everybody started taking it seriously and all the stuff. Why is everything about grades these days? The education system is really messed up.
So yeah, I would homeschool my children :mhm_britney_nodding_yes_mhmm:

you are totally right.

besides, there are many jobs you can do in this job without formal education. and it will be the trend more and more

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39 minutes ago, QZeusLiquorQ said:

you are totally right.

besides, there are many jobs you can do in this job without formal education. and it will be the trend more and more

Exactly. I mean after all 7 million homeschooled students in the US alone right?
that too, it’s just growing further and further and probably it will overtake the school system eventually. Homeschooling after all can offer as good education if done right, and according to annual reports, homeschooled students score much higher than the traditionally schooled students.

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Yeah I do.

I was actually homeschooled from 8th-12th grade and ended up graduating early with a 4.0 GPA

I think it is better in my opinion cause there are no stupid distractions or peer pressure,

you dont have to worry about your kid getting with bad people while being homeschooled.

If I have kids one day, I'd put them in homeschool

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every year i begged to be homeschooled but my parents were like nope lol

i went to a fancy pants private school and it still sucked, all i learned, i learned it at home rather than school

also the socializing aspect of school is bs, all it does is break ur kids spirit tbh

yes im still salty abt my school years later, **** that place seriously

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1 hour ago, princessmimi said:

Yeah I do.

I was actually homeschooled from 8th-12th grade and ended graduated early with a 4.0 GPA

I think it is better in my opinion cause there are no stupid distractions or peer pressure,

you dont have to worry about your kid getting with bad people while being homeschooled.

If I have kids one day, I'd put them in homeschool

I sooo agree as a traditional-school going student. My children are going to be homeschooled if I ever have one, because there is so much pressure from the school and it’s taken over marks instead of learning and what’s funny is that 97% of my knowledge is from YouTube, the app school loathes tenor.gif?itemid=14341028

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