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Kanye West Announces New Album, Then Deletes Post


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8 minutes ago, Towelney said:

You like Kanye? :gloriascary: #NotJudging

I trully believe he's ahead of his time. I love his music, vision of art and risky moves to become bigger than before. He's been dealing with his demons and all the hate for years. He was a victim of mental health system and I got a lot of respect for him after that. He has said a lot of bull**** because he loves to impact, to be provocative. He's the king of promo, since he's not the typical artist and he's not here to kiss the industry's *** anymore. So, he knows how to promote his music and stuff at the end of the day. 

Do you remember the FAMOUS days? Everyone talked about that track around the world. Then, when he reunited with Trump, and now, his presidency. He's not a Hilary supporter and this is a move to promote his new music and also, helping Trump. So, he's a smart guy, even when I dissagree with lots of his actions / beliefs.

And I have to add something. I prefer Kanye type of person than hypocrite type of artist like Taylor Swift. That's for sure.

ps. I loved when he exposed Beyoncé buying Grammys, lbr.Keeping Up With The Kardashians GIF by E!

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5 minutes ago, THE BAJAN VIBE said:

I trully believe he's ahead of his time. I love his music, vision of art and risky moves to become bigger than before. He's been dealing with his demons and all the hate for years. He was a victim of mental health system and I got a lot of respect for him after that. He has said a lot of bull**** because he loves to impact, to be provocative. He's the king of promo, since he's not the typical artist and he's not here to kiss the industry's *** anymore. So, he knows how to promote his music and stuff at the end of the day. 

Do you remember the FAMOUS days? Everyone talked about that track around the world. Then, when he reunited with Trump, and now, his presidency. He's not a Hilary supporter and this is a move to promote his new music and also, helping Trump. So, he's a smart guy, even when I dissagree with lots of his actions / beliefs.

And I have to add something. I prefer Kanye type of person than hypocrite type of artist like Taylor Swift. That's for sure.

ps. I loved when he exposed Beyoncé buying Grammys, lbr.Keeping Up With The Kardashians GIF by E!

I disagree but I’ll respect your opinion 9lzxnl4.gif 

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11 minutes ago, THE BAJAN VIBE said:

We, as Britney fans, know how to talk about anything without wars. We're also ahead of our time and very smart people, lbr. Haha. Love ya.

ps. I'm curious. Is Kanye really that hated in the U.S? I'm in Europe.

He seen as more of a joke/meme here—especially after he announced his support of Trump. :mattafact: It got worse when he did a 180 and went Christian. It seemed disingenuous as he released this about a year prior:

His music isn’t really hated tho, as a lot of us grew up with it, like Stronger, All Falls Down, Heartless, All of the Lights, Gold Digger, etc.

And I’m glad we can have a calm discussion.:) I think it’s important to be able to listen to one another, especially if we’re discussing politics ☺️

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5 hours ago, Towelney said:

He seen as more of a joke/meme here—especially after he announced his support of Trump. :mattafact: It got worse when he did a 180 and went Christian. It seemed disingenuous as he released this about a year prior:

His music isn’t really hated tho, as a lot of us grew up with it, like Stronger, All Falls Down, Heartless, All of the Lights, Gold Digger, etc.

And I’m glad we can have a calm discussion.:) I think it’s important to be able to listen to one another, especially if we’re discussing politics ☺️

Thank you darling <3 I was curious about it, tbh.

Actually, I don't agree in his public ideology at all and I wouldn't vote for him if he runned for president in my country, lol. I would not vote for Trump nor Biden neither. But I think he's doing it to make Trump gain votes. I think it's part of a inner plan... I even read an article about it, few days ago.

Btw, I think U.S need new GOOD politicians to run such a good country.


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17 minutes ago, THE BAJAN VIBE said:

Thank you darling <3 I was curious about it, tbh.

Actually, I don't agree in his public ideology at all and I wouldn't vote for him if he runned for president in my country, lol. I would not vote for Trump nor Biden neither. But I think he's doing it to make Trump gain votes. I think it's part of a inner plan... I even read an article about it, few days ago.

Btw, I think U.S need new GOOD politicians to run such a good country.


Yeah, I don’t like any of the people who are running either. :sickofu:
I’ve thought the same thing, too—that Kanye is trying to take away Biden’s votes. I miss having real politicians. :(

And thank you. ☺️ America definitely has problems that need to be fixed, but I think all of the outrage we’re seeing shows that change is coming (for the better, I hope) :)

Maybe Rihanna will bless us with an album soon. I need new music lol :orangu:

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