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POM 21+?


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This is soooo sketchy hahahaha but I need some help!
I'm going to Vegas this summer with my friend to see Britney again. I'm going to be 20, but my friend is 21.  We both want to drink so of course we would pregame in the hotel room, but I want to drink at the show as well so she would have to buy the drinks (obvi) but I was wondering if they give like a stamp or a wristband to the people who are 21+?  I just don't want to have her buy the drinks and then me get in trouble by security for not having a wristband or something, you know what I mean?

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3 minutes ago, DMVofficial said:

Yes, the show is all ages, I'm just wondering how security deciphers between who is/isn't allowed to drink without IDing every person in the audience with a drink 

easy. fill a water bottle with vodka, order a juice and fill your glass with vodka :giggleney:

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they dont really check with IDs or anything, are you GA or sitting down? ive been before where ive sat down and i just ask my friend to get me a drink, then they bring it back to me... you could also do the same in GA i guess, one of u saves a spot near the front while the other get a drink 

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5 minutes ago, britneyausfan said:

they dont really check with IDs or anything, are you GA or sitting down? ive been before where ive sat down and i just ask my friend to get me a drink, then they bring it back to me... you could also do the same in GA i guess, one of u saves a spot near the front while the other get a drink 

We have assigned seats. That's what I was planning on doing, I just didn't remember how strict they were about drinks. I know at 18+ clubs they're always on the lookout for any -21 drinkers 

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2 minutes ago, DMVofficial said:

We have assigned seats. That's what I was planning on doing, I just didn't remember how strict they were about drinks. I know at 18+ clubs they're always on the lookout for any -21 drinkers 

yeah im not too sure, i think you should be fine if you do it closer to showtime (because everyone is in such a rush then)... also you dont have to show your ID to actually get into the venue, so if someone does say something id just be like "sorry i left my ID at the hotel room" and the worst theyd do is just take the drink from you (instead of being kicked out for drinking underage) 

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48 minutes ago, ToxicTommy said:

I look like I'm 12 and the bartender there didn't ID me. The only wristbands they give out are for the meet and greets and GA seats. Security is all up around there they don't really bother anyone else. Have your friend buy the drinks and you should be fine! :kisses2all:

So exciting, I can't wait to get ****** up LMFAO :saycheese:

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