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The one & only post U need to read if U are questioning Britney's success


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Honestly.. when you really look at the facts & look at Britney's career rationally instead of following posts that invest way too much into instant gratification & illusion of "power" in the industry.. light is shed.

When you place her up against all of the hot artists that came out around when she did & also place her against other artists who were in their 18th year releasing new material.. she has actually held onto a really solid relevancy. 

Also when you look at the industry as it is right now.. it is so incredibly hard for a majority of artists to really capture & sustain interest for a lengthy period of time. The shelf life of newer artists, including really BIG BIG ones is drastically decreasing as the years go on & only a handful of them are reaching iconic heights. We live in a pop culture where everything is so "instant" that the thirst for something fresh is now about 10x faster than it used to be. 

I'd say that the fact that she's still trending on a regular basis & that media/public are still even interested in what she is doing is a big accomplishment! 

All of that really proves that Britney is still relevant & provoking! 

On a bigger note, I would say that Vegas is still a HUGE indicator of the pull that she still has as a lucrative brand. Music doesn't sell or play like it used too but the capability of sustaining the power to get people to dig into their pockets & spend top dollar to see your show is far more impressive than having a hit song (our shaky economic times further that fact).

Also most of the material on the "Hit List" is generally heavily pushed for promotional & financial opportunity in order for record labels to make "the most" out of a newer pop star before the public moves on to the next big thing. What I'm going to say next might sound like a bit of a "conspiracy theory" but it's something that a lot of people around the industry will tell you. Britney is at a point in her career where she is a double edged sword.. on one hand she is a massive global icon with extremely successful branding power, however.. she is also seen as a potential threat to newer artists that are at the height of their "cash cow potential". Once the market sways into a specific direction it's better fit for Top Industry to protect their investments (the ones who are making everybody oodles of money at the present time). If a newer artist is tied to multiple marketing & advertising campaigns they will protect the hype of that artist by a lot of means, that includes making sure they pave a nice road leading up to "said artist" releasing whatever material is tied to those investments. Unfortunately that includes controlling how saturated a rival artist gets in dominating the pop culture conversation. 


Drink it up!!


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