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The Unauthorized Britney Biopic For Lifetime Is Titled 'Britney Ever After' And Premieres Next Month

Jordan Miller

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1 minute ago, austsilva said:

I don't give a **** about a hit thread. This girl doesn't care about Britney she just cares about making a name for herself. Idc if she's excited about her role. She won't do it justice and she's going to portray Britney as nothing but crazy. Did you notice how the only footage to be leaked is the umbrella incident or her almost dropping the baby. Anyone who has anything to do with this project is shady and I'll stand by that **** your hit thread bs.

well to fucken bad but everybody will look at the bad publicity britney had throughout her years. Nobody will think of her good years, they will all think of the whole 2007 era. welcome to the fucken real world. Again, Natasha has no say on how the script it or the direction they want this film to be. She got offered a job and she will give it her best. None of us can take that away from her. 

and i still stand by you reaching for a hit thread. 

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4 minutes ago, austsilva said:

I don't give a **** about a hit thread. This girl doesn't care about Britney she just cares about making a name for herself. Idc if she's excited about her role. She won't do it justice and she's going to portray Britney as nothing but crazy. Did you notice how the only footage to be leaked is the umbrella incident or her almost dropping the baby. Anyone who has anything to do with this project is shady and I'll stand by that **** your hit thread bs.

And also if it was somebody else I'd have the same feeling. If they really cared about their craft then they'd want to do it right. 

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Britney has plenty of time to develop credibility as an industry artist, again...but what she needs immediately is the support of the public. Sympathy in her case is not a bad thing...she isn't "crazy" but simply misunderstood and mishandled. As a mentally challenged person...she needs all the assistance she can get...not from her inner support group but from the world around her.

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11 minutes ago, BritintheZone said:

Well i was young when Aaliyah died so idk if the whole movie was factual :ehum:

which is something thats scares me about britneys biopic. What if like a younger generation watches it and believes it all :idkney:

They gonna believe it because it's exactly how the media has sold britney, they have ZERO empathy to her breakdown and have mocked of her mental illness, the new generation didn't remember the factual acts because some of they were very kids.

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1 minute ago, austsilva said:

And also if it was somebody else I'd have the same feeling. If they really cared about their craft then they'd want to do it right. 

theres so much she can say to change a thing or two in the script but thats not how it works. Some directors can be dicks. She's not jeopardizing her career just because some things are either false or over exaggerated. No one said that this lifetime movie would be so on point, so high budget, they're not expecting an Oscar. Let this movie be and move the **** on. 

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2 hours ago, onyx09 said:

Yeah but they still have about 2-3 years before kids at school start figuring out who Britney is and googling her unless they're parents start telling them bad things first which would be unfortunate and immature of them 

True...but it's not like everything that occured pre-baby making will go unnoticed if she puts on this 'mommy' routine. She built a career on provocative imagery...that's just what it is...and this movie is good television. Don't worry so much about the kids...their Mother may be famous, but it was Britney's choice to time-out her career to start a family...that's her decision...so let her deal with the consequences as an adult. It's not our place...we are her fans, but we're not her legal guardians. I love her ability to sing...but I do not know her, personally. We as fans are asked to contribute more than the artist we support...and that is not fair. She treats us like we're justin and Kfed, and those who did her wrong...as if we put her life where it is...she did this to herself. We've remained and we've supported...she should be grateful someone wants to make a movie about her. She needs to be grateful she even has a career at this point. I pray for her every night...but it's her life and she did what she wanted...this is the result.

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1 minute ago, dynomite said:

well to fucken bad but everybody will look at the bad publicity britney had throughout her years. Nobody will think of her good years, they will all think of the whole 2007 era. welcome to the fucken real world. Again, Natasha has no say on how the script it or the direction they want this film to be. She got offered a job and she will give it her best. None of us can take that away from her. 

and i still stand by you reaching for a hit thread. 

Britney has steadily been working on trying to get those images out of the gps head. She's been through so much bs. It's not even about getting a job. If she were a real actress who cared about her craft she would want to do it right. It's about having the decency to respect the human being Britney Spears who doesn't want this. She should take note from Zendaya who gracefully bowed out of the Alliyah mess. But again I could care less if you think I want a hit thread. This is a Britney forum and I just share my opinion hit thread or not. 

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26 minutes ago, derick said:

even if u knew yourself that BRITNEY herself was against it?

if britney cared enough she would've gave them actual facts on what happened. Yet, she doesn't. Nor should we. Because we ALL know, that everybody in here will watch this, including the OP. 

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Just now, austsilva said:

Britney has steadily been working on trying to get those images out of the gps head. She's been through so much bs. It's not even about getting a job. If she were a real actress who cared about her craft she would want to do it right. It's about having the decency to respect the human being Britney Spears who doesn't want this. She should take note from Zendaya who gracefully bowed out of the Alliyah mess. But again I could care less if you think I want a hit thread. This is a Britney forum and I just share my opinion hit thread or not. 

We haven't even seen the movie!! You're already making assumptions. Just because we seen pictures and videos doesn't mean anything. I don't blame ANYONE who wants to play Britney, because its BRITNEY. If a stan actually auditioned for the role, I'm sure she would throw in some facts if some facts were not true. We don't know if Natasha is a stan and has been following Britney her whole life like we have. We know (some of it) what happened during Britney's dark period. Natasha probably doesn't and probably thinks whats said on the script is 100% facts. And you're right, this is a Britney forum and you can share your opinion, but don't make a thread to start bullying someone just because you don't like how the movie is already turning out. 

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5 minutes ago, dynomite said:

if britney cared enough she would've gave them actual facts on what happened. Yet, she doesn't. Nor should we. Because we ALL know, that everybody in here will watch this, including the OP. 

Did you even watch for the record? Britney wants these leaches to leave her alone. Have you even seen her upset since like 2009? No because she doesn't share her feelings with the media anymore. No matter how she feels she's always saying she happy and healthy even when she's not (femme fatale). She doesn't want these people recreating the worst time in her life. Nobody wants that. And anyone whose willing to be a part of something so invasive and immoral deserves to be dragged. Not sorry.

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2 hours ago, On the Scene said:

What actually happened (to my understanding) is that Britney was fed up with the paparazzi (& probably her life dramas in general) and hit one of THEIR trucks ONCE then ran back to her car yelling, "**** you!" 

A sad situation? Yes. But that type of **** happens at sports games when the home team looses. :britdrown: No one calls those dudes crazy. 

She went to Kevin's apartment to see the kids and he refused to let her in. The paparazzi then began to taunt and tease her leading to that reaction.

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6 minutes ago, austsilva said:

Did you even watch for the record? Britney wants these leaches to leave her alone. Have you even seen her upset since like 2009? No because she doesn't share her feelings with the media anymore. No matter how she feels she's always saying she happy and healthy even when she's not (femme fatale). She doesn't want these people recreating the worst time in her life. Nobody wants that. And anyone whose willing to be a part of something so invasive and immoral deserves to be dragged. Not sorry.

BUT WHY DO YOU CARE WHEN BRITNEY DOESNT?! Britney said it herself that she doesn't read tabloids about herself and tries to keep all that negativity behind her. 


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Also, FTR came out 2008, 8 years ago. Her mentality is completely different than it is now. She's stronger now. At that time, her mentality was still fragile because all that mess was fresh in her mind. Now, I'm hoping (and sure it is) that she left all that behind her and moves on.

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7 minutes ago, dynomite said:

We haven't even seen the movie!! You're already making assumptions. Just because we seen pictures and videos doesn't mean anything. I don't blame ANYONE who wants to play Britney, because its BRITNEY. If a stan actually auditioned for the role, I'm sure she would throw in some facts if some facts were not true. We don't know if Natasha is a stan and has been following Britney her whole life like we have. We know (some of it) what happened during Britney's dark period. Natasha probably doesn't and probably thinks whats said on the script is 100% facts. And you're right, this is a Britney forum and you can share your opinion, but don't make a thread to start bullying someone just because you don't like how the movie is already turning out. 

You don't get what I'm saying. I don't care how it turns out. It's not approved from Britney therefore I don't want anything to turnout. I want it scrapped faster than the mm original video. It might be harsh to say drag Natasha but portraying someone who doesn't want to be potrayed and is still alive to say she's not okay with it is a horrible thing to do. The right thing to do would be to bow out and let it die and I'd say this about any actress who would want to replay Britneys life in a movie without actually getting facts from Britney.

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Just now, austsilva said:

You don't get what I'm saying. I don't care how it turns out. It's not approved from Britney therefore I don't want anything to turnout. I want it scrapped faster than the mm original video. It might be harsh to say drag Natasha but portraying someone who doesn't want to be potrayed and is still alive to say she's not okay with it is a horrible thing to do. The right thing to do would be to bow out and let it die and I'd say this about any actress who would want to replay Britneys life in a movie without actually getting facts from Britney.

oh so you heard from Britney's mouth that she doesn't want this to be happening. Just because you read an article from an "insider" or "close to britney's team" means it's so true. Im sure Britney doesn't care if this film was happening or not. Why? Because if she cared she would've taken legal actions against it to make it stop. Yet, it hasn't. 

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but hey, it was great talking to you. Your opinion is yours and mine is mine. Therefore, i am done with this back and forth convo. Ill be sure to see your comment on how you watched this movie. Ciao!

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3 minutes ago, dynomite said:

oh so you heard from Britney's mouth that she doesn't want this to be happening. Just because you read an article from an "insider" or "close to britney's team" means it's so true. Im sure Britney doesn't care if this film was happening or not. Why? Because if she cared she would've taken legal actions against it to make it stop. Yet, it hasn't. 

"It's not surprising that Spears wants nothing to do with the film. In August, her spokesperson said that Spears "will not be contributing in any way, shape, or form to the Lifetime biopic. Nor does it have her blessing."


PS. I'm boycotting that **** as should everyone on exhale.

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