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The lip syncing issue...


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Would you rather have her sing live, and then get crucified by the critics when she doesn't sound the same as CD, or would you rather her lipsynch? Britney is criticized for everything and anything she does. As much as I would love to see her sing live, I'm just glad she is still performing and smiling, which makes me believe she still enjoys what she does :)  

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2 hours ago, Spearsfan said:

I deff think she should sing ballads/midtempos live. The bigger issue is the audio... 

They need to prerecord everything like come on... cd vocals for everything.



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3 hours ago, LilyRoseAllen said:

I totally agree. But I think pre recorded vocals would be a huge step. It's not even hard to do. I don't get the reason why they haven't done this her entire career. Everyone's doing this! Maybe she doesn't wanna take time to do that.:nothavingit:

I dont understand it...why dont use pre recorded vocals?????? Same vocals as 15 years ago.....liveney i accepted is gone buf please Britney give us some ore record vocals :CPKney:

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I refuse to think that she lips because she's lazy. It's evident earlier in her career that her voice cracks when she sings. We all know that her recording voice... an unnatural register to herself that she can do in studio where she doesn't move and controls her breathing technique. 

I believe she doesn't Sing live because her moving just a little affects her vocal performance. We know this, if you look at live vocals a few years into her career, she struggles and strains her voice to stay in key and in that "baby" voice.

i don't expect live while dancing but live when sitting down with a Ballard or pre-recording for dance routines.

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Whatever's going on, whether it's a confidence issue or if her voice isn't as strong as it used to be--they really do need to find a middle ground when it concerns the lip syncing. The easiest route seems to be recording something new and using those to lip to instead of the original recordings. It might seem like it's cheating fans to have somebody that's not singing anything live during a live performance but sometimes I think it might be for the best to lip sync if the voice is shot. 

I realize this might be an off the wall reference but does anybody here like RATT? Oh holy ****, just go to live performances over the last few years and you will see comment after comment tearing Stephen Pearcy's voice apart. His voice is shot, there's no denying it. I've got a live performance up now and here are a couple of comments aimed at the quality of his voice.

"wow. Stephen should not have done this show. he should have known how bad he sounded and not gave Ratt fans this ****."

"I really think that Stephen is ****** deaf. The ************* did not hit a single note in key. I don't care if his voice is crap, but can't stand off key singing. Brian Johnson, Lemmy (RIP ), UDO, etc have terrible voices but they do sing in key. This ******* is either deaf or ****** lazy to even try!"

I think the same **** would be aimed in Britney's direction if her voice is shot and she tries to sing live on her own without any sort of safety net. And I'll be honest and say it'd probably be even worse for Britney. Her name/fame is bigger than Stephen's at the moment imo.

And goodness knows I admit some of the comments about Stephen make me laugh but I can still sympathize with any singer that ends up with a voice that's completely shot. Unless the singer is deaf, they probably know "I sound like **** and I know it. I ****** up by not taking better care of my voice."


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14 hours ago, MissSpearsSaysSo said:

I had posted this as a comment in another thread, but I believe this is important and I know a lot of other fans will agree. Give it a read and look at the situation.


She needs to sing live, plain and simple. There's no reason why she can't dance the fairly simple routines she's been doing and sing live at the same time. It's  unacceptable and it just makes her look ridiculous and silly on stage. Minimal effort on her part, and it's a shame that she won't perform her songs live, because she could be REALLY AMAZING. Im cool with her dancing routines and energy, but the constant lip-synching is killing any chance she has of further success. If she continues the way she's going, she won't have anything left but looking cute, hair flips, and twirling around on stage, and frankly that's all she's doing now and it's not cutting it anymore. Forget the pre-recorded vocals bullshit, because that's just as bad. If she were any other singer out there, we would be tearing her down for not performing live, so I'm done making excuses for her. I don't want "the old Britney" back, but I'd like Britney to show some passion for actually singing during her performances.


I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Britney to death x infinity and I always will. I've been a fan since I was a little kid in 1998, but although I'm greatly enjoying what she's doing with POM, Glory and all of the promo, I feel like she has to offer a bit more in terms of being a serious singing artist. She's the ******* queen and always will be, but until she does it live, completely live and no excuses, I can't and will not take her seriously as a singing artist, regardless of how she sounds on the CD.

Not being delusional or a hater, or whatever. I just want Britney to really shine and do what she intended on doing when she was a little girl, and looked up to Whitney and Janet. She had dreams of being a great singer, and I don't want her to lose that. That's all. 

You feel how I do.

Im not asking for Britney to magically start belting like Adele or even go back to backflipping on stage like she used to. I'm not asking her to sing everything live...but the slow parts and the ballads yes. There's no excuse to lip sync Make Me, or the verses of Toxic or Work ***** (which is just speaking).

The dancing she now does is really really weak and flimsy..it's just arm movements and hair flips. So when she's on stage you gotta ask yourself, what is she doing? She isn't singing and she's barely dancing? And we're supposed to bow down because she has pig tails in and looks good...sorry but NO!

I have been a fan since I was 11 and i'm now 30. Doesn't she realise her fans are in their 30s too? They've grown up? We're not stupid and we expect more from someone who has been doing this for nearly 20 years. 

It's funny how some of you say 'go and stan for someone else'. You don't choose who you like. At this point I only really check for Britney. I don't need to check for anyone else because they're all over the media anyway. We get angry because we care, not because we are haters. 

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1 hour ago, glitterfalls said:

Whatever's going on, whether it's a confidence issue or if her voice isn't as strong as it used to be--they really do need to find a middle ground when it concerns the lip syncing. The easiest route seems to be recording something new and using those to lip to instead of the original recordings. It might seem like it's cheating fans to have somebody that's not singing anything live during a live performance but sometimes I think it might be for the best to lip sync if the voice is shot. 

I realize this might be an off the wall reference but does anybody here like RATT? Oh holy ****, just go to live performances over the last few years and you will see comment after comment tearing Stephen Pearcy's voice apart. His voice is shot, there's no denying it. I've got a live performance up now and here are a couple of comments aimed at the quality of his voice.

"wow. Stephen should not have done this show. he should have known how bad he sounded and not gave Ratt fans this ****."

"I really think that Stephen is ****** deaf. The ************* did not hit a single note in key. I don't care if his voice is crap, but can't stand off key singing. Brian Johnson, Lemmy (RIP ), UDO, etc have terrible voices but they do sing in key. This ******* is either deaf or ****** lazy to even try!"

I think the same **** would be aimed in Britney's direction if her voice is shot and she tries to sing live on her own without any sort of safety net. And I'll be honest and say it'd probably be even worse for Britney. Her name/fame is bigger than Stephen's at the moment imo.

And goodness knows I admit some of the comments about Stephen make me laugh but I can still sympathize with any singer that ends up with a voice that's completely shot. Unless the singer is deaf, they probably know "I sound like **** and I know it. I ****** up by not taking better care of my voice."


Glory proved she's still got a voice. Yes, it's a recording and can be manipulated but I think we all agree that we can hear Britney's voice on Glory and it has minimal effects. If she's capable of doing it in the studio then she's capable of doing it on stage. It might not sound as good, but if she practised and warmed up properly it would be fine.

Anyone can sing the verses of Make Me live, we've never heard Toxic live either and it's one of her most iconic songs. I've heard so many people do awesome acoustic versions of Toxic and yet never heard the actual singer do it live...it's just sad. 

The GP will always include haters... if you look at comments on youtube for rihanna, madonna, katy perry etc... people always drag their live vocals, but the majority don't mind because they are at least trying. They are bringing something to a performance.

A performance using CD vocals is bringing absolutely nothing new to the stage. 

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Guest Lord Bills
14 hours ago, musicman85 said:

Would you rather have her sing live, and then get crucified by the critics when she doesn't sound the same as CD

this is never happen sis :sofedup:


she need's to use the natural voice. i'm tired with the baby voice. :wannadie:


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2 hours ago, saicis said:

You feel how I do.

Im not asking for Britney to magically start belting like Adele or even go back to backflipping on stage like she used to. I'm not asking her to sing everything live...but the slow parts and the ballads yes. There's no excuse to lip sync Make Me, or the verses of Toxic or Work ***** (which is just speaking).

The dancing she now does is really really weak and flimsy..it's just arm movements and hair flips. So when she's on stage you gotta ask yourself, what is she doing? She isn't singing and she's barely dancing? And we're supposed to bow down because she has pig tails in and looks good...sorry but NO!

I have been a fan since I was 11 and i'm now 30. Doesn't she realise her fans are in their 30s too? They've grown up? We're not stupid and we expect more from someone who has been doing this for nearly 20 years. 

It's funny how some of you say 'go and stan for someone else'. You don't choose who you like. At this point I only really check for Britney. I don't need to check for anyone else because they're all over the media anyway. We get angry because we care, not because we are haters. 


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I think now would be the perfect time for her to start singing live again. I mean, the vocal improvement since Britney Jean is astounding, when comparing it to Glory... I'm sorry, but I'm not going to make any excuses for her vocals after her breakdown. Blackout was okay, because it still had some of her technique in it, but then with Circus, FF and BJ it began to go downhill... It gets clear when you compare ProTools sessions. If you look at the leaked ones: Slave had no takes where she went off-key, BTI had one take and she corrected herself, saying: "Ooh that's a bad take." And then Alien? There was literally no take on-key. The lip-synching has made her lazy, because she doesn't need a vocal coach to sometimes record a take or two for an album and then lip-synch through all the performances...

But then, Glory happened and you can definitely tell she hired a vocal coach for this album, so why not hire a vocal coach to do a live tour? Maybe even do a ballad tour, if you don't wanna dance at all, and show the world you can sing. I know this last idea probably won't get pitched, but her original voice was awesome - and I think it's a shame how her voice is so damaged nowadays, but it already started to happen earlier, I mean, the INAGNYAW performances are the last live performances where she sounded good most of the times...

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23 hours ago, radar89 said:

Why does singing live suddenly required for Britney whose iconic performances had minimal singing live in the first place, nitpicking ho? :arianabye:  

Times have changed. The GP isn't here for someone who lip-syncs to CD vocals. She needs to at least pre-record them.
This is why the GP doesn't take her seriously anymore and it is affecting her on the radios and her sales.

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