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Watch Britney Spears Perform At The iHeartRadio Music Festival

Jordan Miller

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57 minutes ago, Scrappy said:

It was amazing and surprising to see her looking so good. The outfit was killer. But that joy quickly faded when the tired ol' Vegas medley was rolled out.

Are there really no choreographers that can bring back that DWAD performer back for one measly show? Is it really that hard for her to do one fully innovative choreographed routine that doesn't involve: 1) clasp hands together at wrists and raise above head, 2) separate hands in a slowly dropping arc as dancers all fall down, 3) spin around, strut up stage, skip back down stage, 4) hair flip - vertical and horizontal, or any of the countless recycled moves we see in every single ******* "choreographed" piece?

imo her looks are BANGIN, and lets not undermine that. it's not easy to look that good, and finding the perfect way to style your way to perform with a tiny scantily clad is no joke.

but IA abt the dance. i mean i'm not as worked up as you are probably but her moves are recycled like crazy. the "clasp hands together at wrists and raise above head" is so tired and boring. hair flips are great, but too much of it make it seems like theres no real choreography involved. and whats worse is that when she freestyles, she does those kind of moves ALL OVER AGAIN. it's kind of cringey really.

what really needs to happen is she needs to find her groove again. i know nothing of her personal life, but if i can assume it's probably hard for someone that doesn't go out, party, having fun outside with gals/friends (conservatorship + she seems like more of a stay home person nowadays) to find joy in the dancing that she does. she needs to feel herself again and feel WILD and fearless and confidence, bc that's what translates well in dancing. for whatever reason her approach is too in control and it shows.

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48 minutes ago, Бри́тни Спирс said:

She does not understand that there's no thing as "I have nothing to prove anymore". Humans have to evolve and prove they can get better and better and better. Humans need to get better. It doesn't matter what you do, whether you are a cook who's trying to learn to prepare as many dishes as possible and actually trying to make 'em perfectly or a pop star who has to show the new generation why they're a pop star. What you did in the past won't make you stay on top of the world forever. 

She has a lot more to prove. She has to prove she can still dance like it's actually dancing. She has to prove she can sing live. She has to prove she still wants to be in the music industry. I do not blame her if she does not want to 'cause what she went through was more than tough and people bashing her was just unnecessary. 

Madonna didn't gain the title "Queen of Pop" by thinking "I have nothing to prove anymore". Mariah did not slay the world when everybody was saying she lost it by not wanting to prove anything anymore. And that's what Briti fans don't understand. It's not like she doesn't have to prove anything anymore it's she simply does not want to ...when she desperately needs to. This is an important point in her career. 

100% agree.:rihclap: A person has to constantly push themselves to be the best they can be. Take Leo DiCaprio for example he did whatever it took to get an Oscar (even though i feel like they gave it to him out of pity). It's 2016 and people are over singers lip syncing. You can use playback but they also want to hear you sing over that track. Imagine if Adele started lip syncing cause she felt like she has already cemented herself in pop culture history and didn't need to hit high notes anymore

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2 minutes ago, PieceofBritney said:

haha it's okay! everyone's defensive today. It's just another day in exhale. I totally understand your frustration tho. :yesokay:

awe thank you! :)

not that it justifies me being rude... but I've head unpleasant incidents... to call the things they said "rude" would be an understatement:eheeek:

Thanks man for being understanding :hugs:

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All these negative comments and idc, i just watched the whole thing and she slayed! She looked so fierce and full of energy. I loved her costume as well, i'm so happy she performed the Make Me/My Myself and I medley again cause it gives me life! Kinda wish she had also performed BOMT and more Glory songs but i understand she was only on for half an hour so she couldn't perform everything, but she did perform some good songs! 

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7 minutes ago, sunkissed said:


I've just recently gotten out of my delusion that old Britney will come back one day.

When Make Me MV was released, that's when I realised that "old Britney", you know, the Britney who kissed Madonna and slithered around the stage with a snake, the Britney who married her childhood friend in Vegas and divorced him 2 days later and didn't give a single **** what anyone said, the Britney who put a 110% on EVERY performance no matter how big or small the venue was, that old Britney is never coming back.

She will just do it to have fun and not to make impact or please people's wants. She'll cut videos to pieces if she doesn't like it, she'll cancel appearances if she doesn't feel like going out, and she'll rinse and reuse her routines until she gets tired of them. She'll do her thing, however and whenever she wants to. If she wants to promote, she will. If not, she will go to Hawaii.



Slay @ you saying literally everything that's been on my mind! 

I'm sick of people downvoting and dragging VALID criticisms from fans on this website. It's not hate! It's genuine concerns and tips for improvement, and it all comes from the respect we have for her legacy.



The sooner you learn to accept that, the better for you. She will not bend over backwards for anyone anymore except her kids, YOU have to be the one to cave in and mold into her new "self"

If you can't accept that she'll never be fully out there again ever, then I think it's perfectly fine to "leave" her as a fan. You have the right to do or say whatever you want. 



This. This. This. We have to adjust our expectations with Britney, not the other way around. And I really believed for a long time that she still wanted to be #1 and still had that fire and ambition as a performer in her, but I was wrong. 

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5 minutes ago, saicis said:

She no longer shows any talent. 

Just think about that for a while before you jump down my throat. What she does on stage, anyone could do.

There's no choreo. She literally throws her hands above her head and then makes shapes with them, spins around, flips her hair, gets on the floor and flips her hair some more... while she does this she does her best to look **** and smouldering while mouthing the words to songs that she released 16-18 years ago. 

She doesn't utter one single ******** ******* word live. WHAT THE ACTUAL ****?!!!! How can you defend that?! NOT ONE NOTE LIVE!

She should be ashamed but she doesn't give a ****. She can't even be bothered to pre-record vocals to give a different experience.

The worst part is the 'yes' people who are obviously telling her she 'slays'. You're guilty as well. I saw her instagram and people saying 'you slayed queen, omg, queen of pop'.

No.  A 'queen' doesn't give one shitty performance after another. The fans who praise her are holding her back even more. Uff so annoyed that she's ******* up yet another era. 

It hurts to admit it, but you're saying the truth.

Britney only has nostalgia and her iconicness to give on stage. She doesn't ever sing nor does she dance amazingly. I mean, her dancing is okay and she's improved a lot, but nothing to brag about.

But you in danger gurl for speaking your mind. Better run for the hills :moorangu:


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1 minute ago, saicis said:

She no longer shows any talent. 

Just think about that for a while before you jump down my throat. What she does on stage, anyone could do.

There's no choreo. She literally throws her hands above her head and then makes shapes with them, spins around, flips her hair, gets on the floor and flips her hair some more... while she does this she does her best to look **** and smouldering while mouthing the words to songs that she released 16-18 years ago. 

She doesn't utter one single ******** ******* word live. WHAT THE ACTUAL ****?!!!! How can you defend that?! NOT ONE NOTE LIVE!

She should be ashamed but she doesn't give a ****. She can't even be bothered to pre-record vocals to give a different experience.

The worst part is the 'yes' people who are obviously telling her she 'slays'. You're guilty as well. I saw her instagram and people saying 'you slayed queen, omg, queen of pop'.

No.  A 'queen' doesn't give one shitty performance after another. The fans who praise her are holding her back even more. Uff so annoyed that she's ******* up yet another era. 

Look at the absolute ******* MESS of this comment.^^^^

Yeah lets all be negative and hard to please and go about our lives unappreciative and refuse to be happy that a performer of 20 years is still making millions of people happy all around the world.

Will we just disregard everything she has already achieved because she doesn't dance like a 17 year old anymore and the majority of her competition is 10 times younger than she is.

While your LUNACY is stuck on repeat most of us are actually embracing anything she does positively because we've spent 2 decades loving everything about her.

But yeah... lets just be miserable like you, how nice.

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IMO The problem with the performance was that it needed a lot of changes from POM and she didn't even bother to do that. They just slapped together some POM numbers, didn't even bother to change most of the choreography, like those involving props (the invisible pole in S4U and DYWCO...), or the awful Stronger/Crazy/Womanizer (excluding the break) choreo she didn't even rehearsed properly. So it was a lot of walking and posing, with occasional flashes of greatness (the entrance, Womanizer break, S4U breakdown...)

Plus I never give her **** for lip-syncing at POM or at the VMAs/BBMAs, because for the former usually it's fans who come to see her in a very small stage, they usually know what they're in for; for the latter she always has nice production/ok choreo and she's always been miming her TV performances. But lipsyncing at a 30 minute set at a festival, to 20yo vocals, not bothering to say one word live except two FFT lines and a "wheew", and leaving the stage without thanking/saying goodbye to the audience was quite insulting. If she was so nervous and tired, why did she sign up for it in the first place? She did 0 promo for BJ so it's not like she was forced to do it or something. 

In the end, I think the performance was POM level, but that's it. Really not fit for a festival. Just like the VMAs performance was more suited for the BBMAs and the BBMA performance was VMA worthy IMO. 

And let's not talk about the fact that she prefers to promote her 3 year old residency (that everyone knows she's doing at this point, thanks to the 2 BBMAs performances, countless promo), than her new album. She doesn't even do most of her old songs justice which is a shame. 

Sorry for ranting but I'm still very disappointed in her. 

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Just now, Isla. said:

All these negative comments and idc, i just watched the whole thing and she slayed! She looked so fierce and full of energy. I loved her costume as well, i'm so happy she performed the Make Me/My Myself and I medley again cause it gives me life! Kinda wish she had also performed BOMT and more Glory songs but i understand she was only on for half an hour so she couldn't perform everything, but she did perform some good songs! 

Come Over performance was LIFE. She was soooooo into it I can't even. Work ***** was awesome as well, and OMG Slave looked so hot and I loved the first part of Toxic. 


She slayed me hard.

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2 hours ago, lustwecantcontrol said:

I'm pretty sure that if she performs anywhere in Vegas she has to do songs that are part of the POM show per her contract with PH because before she wasn't even allowed to perform anywhere else in Vegas so now I'm sure PH's stipulations are it must be POM related. If iHeart had taken place in LA I think she would've done at least 1 more Glory track.


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3 minutes ago, MissSpearsSaysSo said:

I thought that she was great. Very lively and entertaining. But that rhinestone sweater outfit? Britney was just as good last night. But Taylor sang live. There's no reason why Britney can't do the same, so no one should make excuses for it. 

I think she sounded bad comparing to her other performances. I was comparing her to herself not britney or anyone else. 

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