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Glory's expectations as an album: What do you think about it?


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Before any post saying that I am anticipating to future or something, you have to know that this is a thread to discuss rationally. Please I would like to read rational arguments, and not stupid posts saying that Glory will surpass Adele's last record:wannadie: This is just my opinion about the objectives of "Glory" as an album, because to me, this album means (maybe) the final acid test to Britney in her career.

I think we shouldn't expect Glory to sell millions of copies worldwide. I feel Glory is an album made to put Britney back to GP's eyes. However, clearly (Britney Jean era, that in my opinion has ****** Britney's career up) it won't be successful (as we could expect) nor even it'll have FF numbers. Saying that, I feel Glory is here to heal the mistakes made in the past two records (FF/BJ). I think this album will make her relevant again, I mean, I have the feeling that this album has been treated by her team as if it was her first record in promotional aspects (don't you think that Brit is as exposed as she was in her prime?). We don't have to be delusional with the first week's sales of this album. Britney will be getting more and more popular by the years, but only if she works hard this era. And then, she/we will see the result on her next record. But I really doubt that Glory will receive the commercial results it deserves. A big promotional agenda, a gold certificate for Glory, a big hit will be enough to put Britney on the table again (and it will be enough for us/ her team considering the disaster of the last years in Britney's career). Finally, she should tour with Glory. I don't care if she makes a promotional tour in Europe in small arenas. To be honest, we know that she wouldn't be able to make a sold out in bigs arena in European countries as Denmark/Germany/Spain etc or even France, (UK, anyone?). But, it doesn't matter the arena in which she performs, no matter if she performs for 3 thousand people in London because she cannot fulfill a 16k arena. If she pushes a great show, promotes Glory as it deserves, she will gain the respect she deserves, and she will be able to make a sold out in the O2 Arena in London as well. And again, I think this effort will be reflected in her next record/s. In conclusion, Glory is here to fix the mistakes made in past -> a great album/an spectacular Britney/promotion.

What is your opinion?

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10 minutes ago, Blackout_Boy said:

Healing FF?

Promo, world tour, #1 record, amazing songs and hit singles, etc.

Really? :whitneyshade:

I feel FF's promo was not the best one honey. Britney was not very eloquent in her interviews (Robotney started to be seen by the GP). Her performances (the few of them) have a clear lack of energy and involvement of Britney. Yes, FF is a good album. But, Britney sounds death in the songs. There's not participation in her songs, there is a point in which the production of the songs eats Britney's persona, and then, you like the song by the production and not because of Britney. Something that doesn't happen in Glory, in which her voice is present in every record, and it's Britney's voice controlling the songs and not the opposite.

I agree with you in the commercial aspect. BUT, the world tour was a mess. I live in Europe, and the beginning of Britney's commercial flops were clear in her European tour. The stage was much smaller in Europe, the production as well was much more shabby in Europe. She started to have flops, in comparison with previous years. So, Femme Fatalney was a mistake in my opinion. And Glory and current Britney are here to replace a Robotic Britney in the interviews, a lazy Britney in the performances, a soundless Britney in her album and a not involved Britney in her projects. Just my opinion.

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9 minutes ago, lolo. said:

I feel FF's promo was not the best one honey. Britney was not very eloquent in her interviews (Robotney started to be seen by the GP). Her performances (the few of them) have a clear lack of energy and involvement of Britney. Yes, FF is a good album. But, Britney sounds death in the songs. There's not participation in her songs, there is a point in which the production of the songs eats Britney's persona, and then, you like the song by the production and not by Britney. Something that doesn't happen in Glory, in which her voice is present in every record, and it's Britney's voice controlling the songs and not the opposite.

I agree with you in the commercial aspect. BUT, the world tour was a mess. I live in Europe, and Britney's flop was clear in her European tour. The stage was much smaller in Europe, the production as well was much more shabby in Europe. She started to have flops, in comparison with previous years. So, Femme Fatalney was a mistake in my opinion.

If you think Glory is gonna heal robotney in promo, you better check again. The live questions, everything (aside from call interviews where she answers the same questions in every interview and it's all the same) is just staying the same.

FF has AMAZING productions I love, it's very different to what Glory is, but in terms of sucess and commercial interest, Femme Fatale gave it all. Which Glory is different for Britney which leads to like or not like the audience, cause she is stepping out of her common style. Now, I don't see Femme Fatale as a flop, she came to my country and as lazy as she was she sold and was being succesful.

I don't think Glory will make her relevant, Britney's time has got a long way and imo she will have more #1 singles but not like she used to, you can't stay full relevant for 20 years straight which is what happened to Britney. She is just doing what she likes aside of what everyone is expecting from her.

And if you ask me why did all this happen, Britney Jean happened, she lost lot of GP there.

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5 minutes ago, Blackout_Boy said:

you can stay full relevant for 20 years straight which is what happened to Britney. She is just doing what she likes aside of what everyone is expecting from her.

I am totally agree, and I hope she is doing what she likes. However, it's very clear that Britney wants to be successful again with this record. The promotional agenda Glory has clearly reflects Britney/her team's desire to be successful. That's why I started thinking about it.

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26 minutes ago, lolo. said:

I am totally agree, and I hope she is doing what she likes. However, it's very clear that Britney wants to be successful again with this record. The promotional agenda Glory has clearly reflects Britney/her team's desire to be successful. That's why I started thinking about it.

She does, but due all the circunstances and all it's not working :/ and I think it's because they started with the wrong foot with Make Me (video issues, promo issues when it got released, safe performance, etc..)

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