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Can you relate to Britney's social awkwardness?


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3 hours ago, icona said:

:crying2: this. I love this thread so much, and can relate to pretty much every post in here lmao. Ive become really lonely in the last couple years and lost most of my friends after I decided to finished high school online, because I missed a lot from being sick etc. theres way too much I could write on this subject, but don't really want to get into everything here :mhm: Britney stans need to have a meet up or something:hehehe:


A meet up would be so cool! Distance sucks! :boredashell:

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Yeah, always been a bit anxious about stuff. So hard to make friends. Always wanted to be outgoing in many different situations but it just didn't let me.

And I ended up with no friends, depressed and forgotten. But it's always been like that so I guess it's a pretty shitty life to live :saycheese:

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