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Caption for my instagram (Britney Lyric)


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Soo since things are kind of slow right now, can you guys help me pick a caption? :idkney: I'm the most indecisive person ever, and I'm between four Glory lyrics. It's just a black and white picture of New York that I took from the Brooklyn Bridge. I'm between:

"Coupure Electrique"

"cinematic, take it right back"

"no seas cortes"

"patience, darling, wait for the night...darkness comes and love comes alive"


I love the man on the moon one, but I feel like it's a little too much. I kind of want to keep it simple :lustney: If you guys could give me other Britney lyrics to use as captions for future pictures that would be great too because I can never think of good ones on the spot and then I just never post the picture :embarrassney:

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I would put a Toxic lyric tbh ... 

Or maybe one from Slumber Party


Loving me so hard it's causing trouble
If the seven minutes in heaven make it double, triple
Like a slumber party


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