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Billboard 200, who cares? Change your VPNs to UK!


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2 minutes ago, button said:

The problem is right there. Spotify only shows the top 200 in streaming, so it's impossible to know which ones are least popular. The only one charting is Make Me at #91 with 49k streams.

Anyways you can see the numbers are pitiful. #200 has 25k streams. So the album tracks are getting <25k streams each day. The situation is quite bad, and I think she'll end up with ~150k streams. Does it look to you like we can save the situation?

At this point we'd either need rich stans to buy thousands of copies of Glory or buildings full of phones streaming the album. :shameless:

I understand that Britney never had a #1 UK album and we all want her to get one, but there's only 2 days left and I don't see what we could do. What you're asking for looks very hard.


You don't need to know which are the least popular. Just make a playlist without the most popular, which you can easily work out.

I'm well aware it's difficult to do, I'm just saying it makes more sense to use a UK VPN than a US one.

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2 minutes ago, JoffBaratheon said:

Yeah no. 7 #1s in the USA would be miles away better and more significant than her first #1 in the UK. Why do British have to hate on Americans so much? Our music market is bigger and it doesn't matter what our population size is. Get over it. 

7 no.1s is a big deal but it's not breaking any records so I dont think a huge fuss would be made. Her first #1 18 years is a middle finger to the haters who say she isnt relevant anymore. Not hating! You were trying to belittle UK market, I was just saying per capita UK buys more music, I'm well aware US market is bigger.

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8 minutes ago, Litney said:

You don't need to know which are the least popular. Just make a playlist without the most popular, which you can easily work out.

I'm well aware it's difficult to do, I'm just saying it makes more sense to use a UK VPN than a US one.

Yeah but just because Make Me is "popular" (charting) that doesn't mean you should stream everything else. Under the top 200 you can have Just Luv at 24k and Private Show at 2k. You need to concentrate on Private Show in this case. This whole argument is moot anyways as the numbers are very small and she's ending up with <200k streams.

By the way, we have been talking about the US vpn weeks before the release. I'm sure most stans are using one. No one expected her to be this close to #1 after Britney Jean debuted at #34 so everyone neglected the UK I guess. Trust me, the attention is all on the US right now.

The UK chart is very difficult to manipulate anyways.

I'm sure she'll be #1 in the UK with B10. :quirkney:

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3 minutes ago, button said:

Yeah but just because Make Me is "popular" (charting) that doesn't mean you should stream everything else. Under the top 200 you can have Just Luv at 24k and Private Show at 2k. You need to concentrate on Private Show in this case. This whole argument is moot anyways as the numbers are very small and she's ending up with <200k streams.

By the way, we have been talking about the US vpn weeks before the release. I'm sure most stans are using one. No one expected her to be this close to #1 after Britney Jean debuted at #34 so everyone neglected the UK I guess. Trust me, the attention is all on the US right now.

The UK chart is very difficult to manipulate anyways.

I'm sure she'll be #1 in the UK with B10. :quirkney:

Yeah so make a playlist without make me, just luv me, DYWCO, the more popular ones. 

And fair point you cant blame the UK for neglecting thought it was kinda trash.

Let's hope so lmao

5 minutes ago, Faded said:

Who were these flops that charted at UK #1 on the weeks when Britney released to the world the 7 testaments (and Britney Jean)?

The most tragic thing is that The old testament (In the Zone) debuted outside of the top 10.

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