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Godney and the "GP"


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This is for the one's who care about the "general public"!!! First of all Britney never cared so why should you? 2. I always feel that the GP deep down are the secret "ungrateful" fans they always want more from her secretly and they get excited to see what she has in store yet they enjoy bashing her because her success at a young age and now a legend at still a young age annoys them because deep down they all know Britney's success is not just a bubble it's a legendary kinda thing. Britney was and WILL ALWAYS wow the crowd the moment she decides to. She's just Micheal J. and Justin Bieber they all bash em' yet they all know the truth about them... JB is becoming the legend thats why everyone is attacking him just like when Britney started to become one. Whether they like it or not she's BIG as ****... very unpredictable which they love... it's like they all want a piece of that star yet they don't want it to shine enough to blind them. Enjoy the Britney and lets get Glory number 1. Chill and smoke a joint 

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The problem is there's a huge difference between the general public and the internet trolls who frequent comment sections in YouTube and Facebook. The general public either love her, like her, or dismiss her as irrelevant to their tastes, which is fine and everyone's entitled to that. They don't hate her. Any self-respecting member of the general public will at least recognise Britney's contribution to pop culture whether they like her or not, but they certainly aren't wasting their time ripping her to shreds behind a computer screen because they have nothing better to do in their spare time.

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Some fans are embarrassed to love Britney because she isn't taken "seriously" as an "artist" by certain snobby people, so they hope to be able to hide behind popular opinion.


Of course, she is a pop star so it's nice if she succeeds, obviously. But being a fan isn't about just rooting for her to be successful, you know. It is about the music and the performances and her amazing personality.


I've been a fan of this woman for almost two decades and I've seen it all and heard it all and remember it all, and something I've learned is that there's always going to be stupid people with their stupid opinions...but the stupidest thing you can do is let it affect something you find joy in! Hell, I like Britney Jean. I wore the album cover shirt in public throughout 2014. Who cares? If you love something, don't be ashamed of it.

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