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DUTCH FANS, a special on rtl Z about britney as a master as a business woman #update: starts now


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Soon they will air a special about Britney and her company. From what ive seen her brand is making more then 1 billion every year. And they say shes the perfect business woman and they will show you why.

rtl Z is a channel about economy and business.

Its weird to see something possitive about Britney on Dutch television:hype:


If ur interested just go to RTL Z. it will start soon


Update: it starts now, dont know if its worth watching


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3 hours ago, giltjuhh said:

het was helemaal niks jongens:P het duurde maar 5 minuten ofzo en het stelde niks voor.....in de relame deden ze alsof het een uur ging duren.....

niet waard om terug te kijken dus :orly:

3 hours ago, ReyonM said:

Hoogeveen! Maar ik werk 5 dagen in Groningen!! OMG You are all so close!

ah daar heb ik wel vaker gewerkt in HGV :P

4 hours ago, iezze said:

Hallo lwders:hype:

Groninger :orly:

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