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Britney Spears' New Album 'Glory' Is Officially Out!

Jordan Miller

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1. Invitation vs Till The World Ends

2. Make Me vs Hold It Against Me

3. Private Show vs Inside Out

4. Man On The Moon vs I Wanna Go

5. Just Luv Me vs How I Roll

6. Clumsy vs (Drop Dead) Beautiful

7. Do You Wanna Come Over? vs Seal It With A Kiss

8. Slumber Party vs Big Fat Bass

9. Just Like Me vs Trouble For Me

10. Love Me Down vs Trip To Your Heart

11. Hard To Forget Ya vs Gasoline

12. What You Need vs Criminal

13. Better vs Up N Down

14. Change Your Mind vs He About To Lose Me

15. Liar vs Selfish

16. If I'm Dancing vs Don't Keep Me Waiting

17. Coupure Électrique vs Scary*

* Im sorry, I just really love both!


Femme Fatale: 6 :awks:

Glory: 12 :ahhh:

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6 hours ago, Lyla said:

I'm really torn too... I just asked for a link but I'm not sure I want to listen to it just yet, since the release is literally around the corner. But at the same time, everyone is talking about Glory, I don't know how much longer I can wait! Besides, today is my day off! :bpout:

I'm still holding out but it's so hard! :moorangu: This is the only place I can really participate in Exhale without seeing threads that allude to/spoil the songs! Idk what the quality of the leaks are, but I want my ears to hear it fresh from the physical album/digital copy! :ahhh: We got this sis!

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Guest ErJ Spears

1. Invitation vs Till The World Ends 

2. Make Me vs Hold It Against Me

3. Private Show vs Inside Out

4. Man On The Moon vs I Wanna Go (it's extremely hard but I pick my fav track off FF)

5. Just Luv Me vs How I Roll

6. Clumsy vs (Drop Dead) Beautiful

7. Do You Wanna Come Over? vs Seal It With A Kiss

8. Slumber Party vs Big Fat Bass

9. Just Like Me vs Trouble For Me

10. Love Me Down vs Trip To Your Heart

11. Hard To Forget Ya vs Gasoline

12. What You Need vs Criminal

13. Better vs Up N Down

14. Change Your Mind vs He About To Lose Me

15. Liar vs Selfish

16. If I'm Dancing vs Don't Keep Me Waiting

17. Coupure Électrique vs Scary

GLORY: 14 :bwink:

FF: 3 :orly:

Well FF is one of my least fav albums so..

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1. Invitation vs Till The World Ends

2. Make Me vs Hold It Against Me

3. Private Show vs Inside Out

4. Man On The Moon vs I Wanna Go

5. Just Luv Me vs How I Roll

6. Clumsy vs (Drop Dead) Beautiful

7. Do You Wanna Come Over? vs Seal It With A Kiss

8. Slumber Party vs Big Fat Bass

9. Just Like Me vs Trouble For Me

10. Love Me Down vs Trip To Your Heart

11. Hard To Forget Ya vs Gasoline

12. What You Need vs Criminal

13. Better vs Up N Down

14. Change Your Mind vs He About To Lose Me (God, that was the hard one)

15. Liar vs Selfish

16. If I'm Dancing vs Don't Keep Me Waiting

17. Coupure Électrique vs Scary

So, Glory 15 : FF 2. Oh, well :hype:

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6 minutes ago, BreatheOnMoi said:

Sister just think what it will be like to have the moment to yourself on Friday and you get to listen to all 17 tracks in peace and quiet, while others already heard it and moved on, but it will be NEW to you. Like when you get into a brand new car, and your ac works, and you see your friends in their 1997 Toyota corolla because they already listened to the leak.

You will be able to form your own opinions on the album and be clear of any other people's hypes. It will be beautiful. Hold my hands


The Toyota analogy. I pictured it green. You?


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15 minutes ago, BreatheOnMoi said:

Sister just think what it will be like to have the moment to yourself on Friday and you get to listen to all 17 tracks in peace and quiet, while others already heard it and moved on, but it will be NEW to you. Like when you get into a brand new car, and your ac works, and you see your friends in their 1997 Toyota corolla because they already listened to the leak.

You will be able to form your own opinions on the album and be clear of any other people's hypes. It will be beautiful. Hold my hands


enlightened me sis


let's just hold on tite shall we? :smokney:


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so weird and i have it in HQ so that aint no excuse not to listen. just listen to it,, this is all we have been waiting for for yearssssssss and now you are acting like you are special because you wait for a certain date? we listen to it now and will still buy it and stream it like crazy,

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32 minutes ago, BreatheOnMoi said:

But apparently every fan downloads an illegal leak? Like I really can't believe you guys come in here trying to spew that logic and act like WE'RE the ones that are crazy for not wanting to download an illegal leak.

Where the **** is YOUR logic at tbh?

******* weird

I never said that, you're putting words in my mouth. I didn't say you were crazy either.


Sounds like projection tbh :cigney: I'ma need you to calm down sis, it ain't serious :cigney:

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9 hours ago, Liar said:


1. Invitation vs Till The World Ends

2. Make Me vs Hold It Against Me (that was hard :crying2:)

3. Private Show vs Inside Out (I love PS tho :crying2:)

4. Man On The Moon vs I Wanna Go

5. Just Luv Me vs How I Roll (that wasn't hard at all)

6. Clumsy vs (Drop Dead) Beautiful

7. Do You Wanna Come Over? vs Seal It With A Kiss

8. Slumber Party vs Big Fat Bass

9. Just Like Me vs Trouble For Me

10. Love Me Down vs Trip To Your Heart

11. Hard To Forget Ya vs Gasoline

12. What You Need vs Criminal (by far tbh)

13. Better vs Up N Down

14. Change Your Mind vs He About To Lose Me

15. Liar vs Selfish (I love selfish, but Liar MUST be single)

16. If I'm Dancing vs Don't Keep Me Waiting

17. Coupure Électrique vs Scary

Femme Fatale: 8

Glory: 9

But overall I like Glory far more than FF. FF is so generic

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7 minutes ago, blackout89 said:

so weird and i have it in HQ so that aint no excuse not to listen. just listen to it,, this is all we have been waiting for for yearssssssss and now you are acting like you are special because you wait for a certain date? we listen to it now and will still buy it and stream it like crazy,

***** if we* want to wait let us wait, the whole thread is about that, I think you're a bit confused, why did you come here gtfo :begone:

And pls don't tell us what to do, "aint no excuse not to listen" "just listen to it" what the actual **** who are you. :begone:

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