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Britney Spears' New Album 'Glory' Is Officially Out!

Jordan Miller

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I have not listened to the leaked album and I will not do so. My first experience of "Glory" will be when I purchase a physical copy next Friday and I will listen to it in its entirety. I respect Britney and I respect the music. 

I really hope the leak does not cause too many people to not buy the album when it releases. 

On a positive note, going by the title threads on here seems like the album is a winner so I can't wait to listen to it! 

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10 minutes ago, Bordeaux said:

omg you guys are crazy lol you can just buy the album as many times as you want and in many formats as you'd like when it comes out but there's no point in waiting for Friday to listen to your fave's songs you're just torturing yourself sorry :huh:

ITS NOT ABOUT THE SALES!!!!!! :whitneyshade: Like i wrote in the other thread, I think its more special to listen on the offical release day and i have my weekend planned with carpool, album and vmas. I have 4 songs i can listen to over and over, its 4 days... not that hard to wait and its not torture, its exitment. 

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11 minutes ago, WilderWein said:

I will also wait untill i  recieve my copy in the mailbox. Not necesarily out of respect, but listening to a leak ruins the experience for me. Its so basic and idk. I waited to long to do it that way. I will have my own little party when i recieve the damn thing.

IA.... and now with the Carpool and vmas the same weekend its even more special. I like the feeling of get my phsyical copy and listen to it the first time, in that way.


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My favourite songs of the album are, most of them easily with single-potential:

Man On The Moon

Change Your Mind

Just Like Me

Just Luv Me


Love Me Down

Slumber Party

Make Me

Hard To Forget Ya


The next songs are fillers for me, but fillers that I really like and enjoy to listen to:


Invitation (the intro is epic)


Coupure Électrique

If I'm Dancing


My least favourite songs are:

Clumsy (ok, but generic)

What You Need (It has potential, but her vocals sound too autotuned to me)

Private Show (by far my least favourite song of the album. I just can't get into it)



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1.Invitation 8/10 - The song is the perfect opener that we was promised, it's strange. Britney sounds different, the song is chill, I feel it in a way similar to just "Make me"... 

2.Make me.. 8/10 -I think there is no need of review ...

3. Private show 8/10 - Same like "Make me..."

4. Man On The Moon 6/10- Well the song is not so bad, but I got that feeling that Britney is 12, the song is really pop-ish, and reminds me of "Oh la la".

5. Just Luv Me 7/10 - Well.... here... It sounds like the pop hits on the radio now. It's "Single material" in a way, in a really save way. Nothing new in that.

6. Clumsy 7/10- I still think that the production of this song is strange, which makes it good song. Can't see it like a Single.

7. Do You Wanna Come Over? 9/10 - Here we comes in the part with the "big guns". This song is fire. Britney is good in that, really good. The guitar gives it really good flavor. And the choruses really makes me move... I love it . Single material for me!

8. Slumber Party 7/10 - It got reggae sound in the choruses, but in a way it sounds like "Man On The Moon" and "Just Love Me". It's sound like a good "radio single worthy".

6. Just Like Me 10/10 - Well..... This one. Britney sounds amazing, really AMAZING!!!! Stand out track. Absolutely different for her. The lyrics a little bit cheese, but the sound of the track , the feeling is "one of a kind". It's the most "acoustic" song ! I think personal favorite! (which doesn't mean that is the best song, I usually like not so loved in general songs) 

10. Love me Down 8/10 - The song is interesting in a good way. It's sounds a little bit like Sia's "Cheap Thrills" in the pre-chorus. The "Ooh-ooh ooh-ooh" reminds me of Fallulah song - "Give us a little love".

11. Hard To Forget Ya 8/10 - It's something obvious 90"s in this song. The sound is contemporary but the way she sings, the feeling is 90's.

12. What You Need 10/10 - WHAAAAAAT!!!!! She sings! Amazing! The songs is great. It will be dream if this is a single! I think this will never ever happens (now I'm torn is that my personal favorite) I think this is the most different song in the album.

Bonus Tracks:

13. Better 6/10 - It felt that I already had listen to this song somewhere in the curse of the album... (it's just first listening guys)

14. Change Your Mind (No Seas Cortes) 9/10 - I'm realizing that this is never going to be hit song. But I like when Britney makes songs like this one. It's innovative, the guitar , the crazy piano....I love it. 

15. Liar 8/10 - The lovers of Britney's "deep voice" will love this one. It feels like this is song from move. I kinda like it! The harmonica is fresh.... 

16. If I'm Dancing 7/10 - This song is strange! It's repetitive , but the sound is... crazy ...

17. Coupure Electique 8/10 - Britney will be drag around hard abut this song! Now the french speakers will start to talk about her accent ... But this piece ( I will not call it a song) it's the closest to Blackout that we actually get from this album. The production is dark and simple. 


Overall impression 7.9/10 - The album is good, really good. I'm surprised that sounds fresh it took her 2-2,5 years to craft it. The songs are good. I don't like that in some song's she is trying to create hit songs, not good songs. Other tracks are quite experimental. I think this is an album that will catch new fans with the contemporary sound and will makes them like Britney. I like the album. It's one of her top 3 albums.

Possible Singles : 

SINGLE 2 - Do You Wanna Come Over?

SINGLE 3 - Just Luv Me or Slumber Party (If we got what we've got for Circus's 3th single and Femme Fatale's 4th - fan will choose one of this two I think)

SINGLE 4 - Something not so obvious .... Do I have the bravery to hope?!?!!? Just Like Me/ What You Want ( I got it that will never be a hit, so may be ether of those two will be bad choice? At Last we've got this songs!)

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I'm sorry but I've changed my mind, I want to enjoy Glory now that exhale is a meltdowns-free zone (which is rare)! And before someone has something bad to say, I assure you that I've preordered the deluxe version on iTunes and I'm also going to buy a physical copy, so don't be mad at me!  :embarrassed:

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