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If the original MM video doesn't get released before or during the VMA's....


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...then can we please agree to stop making threads about it? (ironic that I'm making a thread complaining about making threads i know)

Honestly, every day i come in here and there's new 'insider info' or somebody sharing their opinion on the situation and it's distracting from what is shaping up to be an amazing era. I've already forgotten about the catastrophic Make Me video because Britney is slaying my existence with Glory. Threads about the original video are counterproductive and tedious.

Yes, the situation is bizarre. She booked LaChapelle and they air a video with a different director and neither camp have given us any sort of explanation. There's a fan theory based on 'insider' info that LaChapelle had an issue with the amount of product placement so they reshot a cheaper video with product placement to satisfy those contracts and the LaChapelle version (sans product placement) will be released closer to the VMA's to create hype. OK it's plausible. It's not TOTALLY unbelievable. It just seems unlikely. But for now we can give it the benefit of the doubt (despite the fact that these 'insiders' have already given false info that the video would be released on Wednesday, but anyway, we'll overlook that).

For now, let's say the original video MIGHT have a shot at being released either just before or during the VMA's. If it doesn't, however, can we please STOP bringing it up?

I think all mods and admins should lock threads about the original MM video after the VMA's airs unless someone is providing water-tight receipts, and not some screen shot of a post from another forum posted by somebody's brother's cat's uncle's third cousin who works for MTV.

Anyway, rant over.



TLDR: The video could still come. Probably won't. If after the VMA's it still isn't here, stfu about it bc everyone is tired of hearing about it.

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If the video doesn't get released after the VMAs, I'll be really, really sad :britstare11: tho she'll slay VMAs so I couldn't be mad at her :wontcry: but I'd still want the original music video, I'll never accept the official one  :rihit:

The official one is garbage. But it is what it is. After the VMA's if it still isn't here then it's time to let it go

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