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Is Rose a real song?

Living For Love

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So, a time ago there were rumors about a song called Rose. By rumors I mean, a rose pic on Britney's Instagram talking about a song Britney wrote a time ago:


I tought she was just talking about any song, like Just Luv Me or Make Me, idk. But today, she posted a new pic:



That's when thing get exciting. Cashmere Cat, Just Luv Me's producer, tweeted this: 


We know Britney used Instagram to hint us about songs (who remembers pics of Moon and stuff then Man On The Moon being reveled??)



Is this a Britney featuring? Are we getting a "Rose song" and "Mood Ring" soon? Are we getting at least 20 new songs this era? Can we get more happier? Or am I dreaming a mile a minute?


well, we have to wait and see until this FRI-DAY

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