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Britney Spears is an ICON


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Have y'all stopped to think for a second. All other icons start of from bad circumstances and right of the bat they see GREAT SUCCESS. Years into their success harsh troubles start arising in their lives. These obstacles keep people talking about them and at some point people are interested more about their personal life than there music. 

Lets take Michael Jackson,

MJ started off with rough starts with his father making him work his little butt off, losing his childhood and getting beat. At one point he was ON TOP, he could do no wrong musically. Then suddenly he started getting a lot of allegations of child molestation and all that and everyone turned on him until his untimely death. 


Lost her mother at an early age. She worked her *** off and didn't see fame until she was in her mid 20s. She's on top for almost 3 decades and then things start going wrong with her marriage, her kids don't want as much to do with her and now people don't take her as serious as once before because of her age.

Tina Turner,

Tina started off with Ike Turner and he would beat her and **** her at all instances. After she became a superstar Ike took all her fortune since he owned the Tina Turner name and she was left broke, starting up from scratch again. 

Whitney Houston,

After getting discovered she's ON TOP. IWALY makes her an ICON. Then suddenly she's faced with **** use, and i'm sure an abusive husband and starts to fall out from her good graces and eventually dies.

And like these four, theres TONS of other ICONS who started off from rough beginnings and dove into superstardom, but then suddenly start falling out of the grace. 

What does this have to do with Britney? Well, Britney too started off with a rough up bringing, watching her parents fighting over lack of money and from an early age knew she had to be a provider for them. Once she released BOMT she became a BONAFIDE star and could do no wrong in the publics eyes. Then cracks started to show and Britney began falling off the deep end and the public took notice and it affected her. But thankfully for her she has been able to bounce back and get right back on top.

Like the other ICONS before her, Britney has had her struggles and she has been able to overcome them and it truly makes her an ICON, unlike other pop girls who know no struggle and have had a lot handed to them.

I mean what was Beyonce's biggest struggle growing up? Running out of Just For Me?


and in Destiny Childs? Who was gonna sing lead? Oops that was always Beyonce. :myjam: Her career? Her husband who cheated on her and she made lemonade out of it? Scandalous. Her sister beating her man? Inviting. 

lol :mjpopcorn:

My point is, when a movie is made of ICONS they usually have a lot of backstory and drama behind them. And Britney just fits the bill of what it is to be an icon.

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