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Dear Haters...


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If you feel like you own her and you deserve perfection all the time, you're wrong. Be grateful that she's alive, happy and doing music. It's ok to have an opinion. I'm not saying you should like everything she does, cause I don't like every Britney song, performance or video but I don't throw a tantrum because of that. So grow up! You can be critical without being disrespectful.

To all the positive people, don't listen to them and don't let them ruin your experience. We are here to share our excitement with each other because probably we don't have anyone close to share it with. Let's be grateful because this won't last forever.

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I haven't seen a lot of people drag her tho. They're just saying the choreo could be better, and are disappointed. Which is true. I don't get why people are getting so mad at us for saying that. I mean if all we're complaining about is choreography. That says a lot. Previous years people would be bashing music, how she looks, what she wears and  choreography, and more ****. 

People this year so far are only complaining about choreography... thats it. Besides the trolls. :dontlike:

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2 minutes ago, Da Fr3ak said:

I haven't seen a lot of people drag her tho. They're just saying the choreo could be better, and are disappointed. Which is true. I don't get why people are getting so mad at us for saying that. I mean if all we're complaining about is choreography. That says a lot. Previous years people would be bashing music, how she looks, what she wears and  choreography, and more ****. 

People this year so far are only complaining about choreography... thats it. Besides the trolls. :dontlike:


Yes but you have to take into consideration that she started rehearsing not very long ago. She's a mother first and if she didn't nail every move it's ok because she's human and music is not first in her life. It is true, she can do it better and she has many shows to look forward to get better, it's not as easy as it looks.

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