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Here's the real ''Truth Tea'' you need to think about...


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Truth Tea: This fan base needs to grow up and think before it opens its mouth. Its actually ridiculous that every hour there is a number of threads badmouthing Britney and her music, or her image, or her look, and comparing it to five years ago. When Femme Fatale came out, this fan base complained about Britney's lack of vocals and involvement, praising albums like OD, ITZ and BO for writing and involvement, her lack of interest, not working with interesting producers and the fact that she was bloated and tired looking and that she ''needed botox/plastic surgery''. Here we are, five years later, and this fan base is saying ''This music is terrible! I wish she didn't get this done to her face''. Y'all need to sit down and grow up. 

Firstly, on every track we've got, Britney's voice is in forefront, and are relatively untreated and incredibly natural. She's working with tons of new producers (on the urban still music). She's writing the music, and is being praised for doing so by the people's writing with. She's alive and engaged on each track, and the tracks all have different vibes She looks incredible, on stage and off....

...yet you all want to go back to Femme Fatale, because for some reason, we're getting EXACTLY what we've asked for but now we don't want it? hmmm.. 

Unless Britney fans bad mouthing are all vocal coaches, choreographers, music producers, song writers and photographers, please think about what you are saying. Opinion is one thing, but Femme Fatale had incredible sales...and very little else. 

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Tbh were all entitled to our own preference in sound.
Some may not particularly like the sound Britney's going with this era... but at the end of the day that's on them.
Those people shouldn't spoil it for everyone else and act like the entire world revolves around them and their preference and opinion.
Clumsy isn't really doing much for me. PS isn't the usual sound of music I listen to, but its growing on me.
Though JLM and MMO are ******* addictive and so good. Even though I don't instantly like Clumsy, that isn't going to have
me completely disregard the fact that we haven't had vocals, production and originality in sound and direction like this from
Britney since ITZ or Blackout. That in itself pretty much makes my preference completely irrelevant in my books as she's serving this era.

So when you look at it from that perspective... there really shouldn't be any complaints. Not one. 
As long as Britney is in good shape, performing well, happy, enjoying her career, releasing decent music and has promo booked... I'm a proud, happy and supportive fan.

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1 minute ago, Kiiddy said:

Tbh were all entitled to our own preference in sound.
You may not particularly like the sound Britney's going with this era... but at the end of the day that's on you.
Don't spoil it for everyone else and act like the entire world revolves around you and your preference and opinion.
Clumsy isn't really doing much for me. PS isn't the usual sound of music I listen to, but its growing on me.
Though JLM and MMO are ******* addictive and so good. Even though I don't instantly like Clumsy, that isn't going to have
me completely disregard the fact that we haven't had vocals, production and originality in sound and direction like this from
Britney since ITZ or Blackout. That in itself pretty much makes my preference completely irrelevant in my books as she's serving this era.

So when you look at it from that perspective... there really shouldn't be any complaints. Not one. 
As long as Britney is in good shape, performing well, happy, enjoying her career, releasing decent music and has promo booked... I'm a proud, happy and supportive fan.

We are all but the issue isn't people saying ''I'm not a fan of this track'', funnily enough I much prefer Clumsy and Private Show to Make Me..., its people acting like we aren't getting exactly what we've wanted for three eras, acting like eras like femme fatale didn't have flaws, I mean yes, exhale has a tendency to look by and be overly nostalgic (during FF looking at Circus, during BJ looking at FF) but she's doing everything we've expected. 

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7 minutes ago, ICouldntThinkOfOne said:

We are all but the issue isn't people saying ''I'm not a fan of this track'', funnily enough I much prefer Clumsy and Private Show to Make Me..., its people acting like we aren't getting exactly what we've wanted for three eras, acting like eras like femme fatale didn't have flaws, I mean yes, exhale has a tendency to look by and be overly nostalgic (during FF looking at Circus, during BJ looking at FF) but she's doing everything we've expected. 

Yeah I know its always the way tho

Exhale does this every time a new era comes around

FF era was a mess. I did like the album tho

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