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i definitely feel a personal connection to her that i simply don't with any other celebrity or musician. which basically means no matter what she does musically and professionally i will always love and support her. i may not like everything she does, but that doesn't change how i feel about her or how much she's inspired me to be better.

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I've loved her my whole LIFE I can still remember the first time I saw BOMT on TV. I called my friend to tell her the girl with the song on the radio that we keep hearing is like SOOO FRICKEN PRETTY OMG

we went out to the mall, we bought the outfits. We watched and taped everything she ever did. Making the video was like the highlight of our lives when it was Britney. We got all the promo **** from McDonald's, every doll, the hit clips stupid things! Omg we had it all. Every collectible photo card, sticker, notebook - you name it. I even had a watch that played a little pixelated clip of OOPS when you hit a button and every kid in my class loved it. I bleached my hair, I had a cardboard cut out of her in my room. My mom pulled me out of school to go to her concert AND to see Crossroads. 


But anyway, yeah I've always loved Britney the person, and when she was going through personal struggles, I was too. I lived that blackout era with her. The day she shaved her head, I had been on a 3-day bender with some really questionable people - my actual first descent into hedonism - and I walked in the door, and as I'm puking over the toilet my mom is frantically explaining what's going on with Britney. I hadn't slept in 3 days. I remember sleeping on my mattress with no sheets because I had the sweats, feeling awful, and just thinking it couldn't be real. Blackout came out and my best friend (over the net because I had no friends, and had just moved away from my hometown! MY SENIOR YEAR!) passed away. That was hard. I was drinking constantly, had a kind of popular live blogging thing going on and I started to get dragged in e-celeb blogs. I was also trying to finish my school year, I had no friends and a huge crush on one of my teachers that was driving me insane. Britney was the soundtrack of my life through it all. She has been there through every breakup, every change in my life. Britney is the constant. I swear nothing has been more consistent in my life than my undivided devotion to Britney hahaha THAT SOUNDS SO WEIRD BUT ITS TRUE 

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