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What do your friends think of your britney obsession?


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My one solid friend has come to accept it. My other friend doesnt know about it because I only talk to him once in awhile and when I first met him I didn't like Britney at all. One of my three floater friends knows about it.

Last weekend my bf accused me of seeing someone else because I was constantly checking my phone to see if I could get any tea on the scraped video. He also said I seemed restless-like I wanted something I was not getting. I was going to clarify that the thing I wanted was the LaChapelle video but I was irritated by his nosiness so I let him get jealous instead.

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3 minutes ago, jokobitch said:

make fun of me for being obsessed and say "she's STILLL making music?!" lol

"She's still alive?" "She's so old now" "She's so washed-up" "Is she still crazy?" "She went bald right?" Etc. It's always the same negative reaction.  :decisions: It used to be cool to like her. Now it's not. :ipass:

Long story short. I don't bring up my Britney obsession when meeting new people. :awks: 

My closest bestfriends are the only ones who know about it, and even they think it's weird I'm obsessed with her and not Beyonce :trash:

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Most of them think she's untalented and a wacko :sickofu: I defend her like my life depended on it, though. They do think a lot of her songs are catchy. And most of them really like Make Me. Anytime they say she's not a legend or that she can't dance i literally BOMBARD their ***** with performance links and accolade lists :rihcackle: also, anytime I have control of the music in the car I always play her and everyone groans :moorangu: sometimes I think I talk about her too much and I've actually had guys tell me before that that's all I talk about but it's legit like word vomit,:selenerz: I'm working on it guys 

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My friends, boyfriend and family are in on it.

I grew up in Texas and moved to LA when I was 18, so I had to start over getting new friends used to the obsession hahahah.

But my friends actually look forward to the time of year we go to Vegasney for our spearitual experience!

I also get texts daily now, "BRITNEY IS ON 102.7 GO GO GO" and we even had a viewing party for the BBMAs :hype:

When my show got cancelled last week, my work family ordered my fave pizza for lunch to make me feel better hahahah


My boyfriend is the best. He pre-ordered Glory, he bought me tickets to POM for my birthday last year. He has watched Crossroads even. He went to Vegas for his brother's birthday the week before Valentine's Day last year and got me so much from her store and even played the machine to send me videos hahahahha. The best thing he did was for the Pretty Girl ubers I couldn't find it on the app, but one drove by us and we followed it until he pulled over so I could ride in it :mcry:


I think they get annoyed with how crazyney I am about it, but enjoy the pure joy I express when things are great.

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1 hour ago, PresidentSpears said:

My friends think it is annoying AF but at the same time every time they see something Britney related, they text me .....so maybe they are closet Britney stans or they are team players and just like to see me excited? lol I'm not sure :cooltshirt: 


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19 minutes ago, breatheonher said:

My friend likes Britney too, but not as much as I do, so I feel like me bringing stuff up about her like news because I know she likes her gets on her nerves sometimes:tifftear:

When will the world love Britney again?:decisions:

everyone still loves her and I think the majority of the GP are encouraging. i don't think anyone ever really hated Britney, I think there was just a time when it was cool to hate on celebrities and since she had the most interesting/dramatic personal life at the time and the most coverage, it's just been hard for a lot of people to lift the veil, but ever since she got her spark back i feel like all the trolls are dying out since they don't really have much to criticise on her nowadays it's always just reference to that time in her life.
the comments section always makes everything look less valuable, people in real life are more positive and talk less bullshit 

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When my friends start talking **** about Brit...I just scalp them to shreds..they don't know **** about stuff usually so it is very boring when they have nothing to say back at me...but sometimes some of them know stuff and it is even funnier when I crush them to bits (even more if I know their fav!) :hairflip:


I get fired up easily:moorangu:

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6 minutes ago, justice4phonography ;) said:

me too :)

i have no idea how that GIF appeared. how does one add a GIF (on purpose)>?


It's the emojis on this forum lol :orangu: 

they have shortcuts so they can be added by writing them :)  

the britney smiling one is obvious, it's just : and ) pasted together. The monkey one is : orangu : without spaces in between. And the other ones have names too 

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