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Original MM video looked like a sloppy student film set in an unfurnished rental house


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Why have we as Britney fans come to assume that if something is withheld from us, it must be better than what we have been given? The original video's setting looks like exactly what it was - a typical suburban Californian house that was rented out to have a music video shot in it and nobody bothered to furnish it or make it look like anything else. Beyond that, the filming looks like it was done by a damn undergraduate film student. Everything about the house scenes looks unprofessional, sloppy, and cheap. Is that how you want Britney represented? We should be grateful that Britney and her team decided not to release it. 

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Kinda yes. Where is the profound commentary he usually does? The detailed scenes with the subversive elements? THE ******* VIVID AND SURREAL COLOR SCHEME! ?The cage scene looked washed out because the sun was to bright. Since when is a Dave LaChapelle scene washed out of all things? The thing is we never saw the whole thing. I think he treats the scenes post production to make the colors more vivid. I think if we saw untreated pieces of everytime it might look like **** too. That **** did not look like everytime 2.0 in the least.

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For the 1 millionth time, the leaked scenes we've all seen are NOT the final edit of the video. The coloring and special effects and editing is NOT finished in any of the leaks we've all seen. David and Larry have a couple of different edits under their belt that are 100% complete, and  that WE (meaning me, you, and every fan) has NOT seen. 


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David Lachapelle has 10000000x more times experience in film career than you'll ever have. I think he knows what he was doing. And it was amazing :begone:

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i don't think people were getting what David was going for. for me i see **** stars taking over a upper middle class home. the cliche thing to would be to shoot it in some glam perfect mansion. it was like high class meets trash and i was living for it. also it clearly wasn't even colored corrected in post and would look way better after that. 


i personally loved it the entire aesthetic. :MJ:

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1 hour ago, BobbyMorrow said:

Why have we as Britney fans come to assume that if something is withheld from us, it must be better than what we have been given? The original video's setting looks like exactly what it was - a typical suburban Californian house that was rented out to have a music video shot in it and nobody bothered to furnish it or make it look like anything else. Beyond that, the filming looks like it was done by a damn undergraduate film student. Everything about the house scenes looks unprofessional, sloppy, and cheap. Is that how you want Britney represented? We should be grateful that Britney and her team decided not to release it. 

This is pretty much what I said in another thread, that his vision is lacking and dated. He was so revolutionary in the early 2000s, music video wise, (still is a great photographer) but all his female popstar videos for the past decade and a half have looked like Dirrty reduxes... Shirtless guys with bicycle shorts doing acrobatics, wild animals on diamond encrusted leashes, and played color schemes and backdrops that look like they are from an nsync no strings attached video.

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