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The problem: David vs. The Sponsors


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I've come to the realization that the problem isn't Team Britney (or RCA to some extent). It's the Sponsors and David and this is why:

  • The sponsors don't want their name attached to the visuals David presented. David doesn't want to change them so the sponsors threatened to pull out the financing unless changes were made. David is an ******* and doesn't want to change his work. He doesn't get paid (because the Sponsors won't pay up) and he withholds his work.
  • Due to contractual obligations regarding advertising and the promotion schedule which was already planned Britney has to release a video. They scramble at the last minute to put together a video which meets the obligations they agreed to with the sponsors. That's why the product placement was so heavy - they had to get themselves out a legal bind.

This means there's hope to see the first video. It may mean all the product placement would have to be removed and RCA will have to pay David instead to release the work. I doubt RCA might want to given that David has clearly screwed them over. There must be a lot of behind the scenes drama going on in RCA right now.






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2 minutes ago, anakinskywalker said:

Another problem: Britney's team lack of communication with her fans. All the meltdowns would be avoided if they didn't pretend that the original video never happened :madonna:

They aren't pretending it didn't happen. The pics are still on her Instagram. They can't say anything about the underlying issue for some legal reason - it's not that they don't want to, it's that until it gets sorted out their lawyers will advise them to NOT make any statements. It could open them up to legal action from David or the Sponsors.

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31 minutes ago, Chico101 said:

If you notice all the leaked clips of the original music video are the ones with ZERO product placement. This reinforces my theory. Someone either on Team Britney or David's team has been leaking them which is probably making matters worse. It's the only parts of the video they can leak without being sued outright.

Um no sweetie, the 1:30 clip that features the TV being thrown out the window HAS the EOS and OrangeTheory sponsors. :madonna::madonna::madonna:

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23 minutes ago, Bombastic Love said:

I can also see why David wouldn't want his art ruined by all of those tacky ads. I still blame team Britney for feeling the need to milk every $ and have such an absurd amonut of product placement. 

can we blame him? i fully respect David if this is the case 

those ads just make the video look cheap and tacky and desperate if u ask me

the only "ads" that worked on britneys videos are her own perfumes that actually blend it with the concept of the video and are always visually pleasing tbh 

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37 minutes ago, Chico101 said:


If you notice all the leaked clips of the original music video are the ones with ZERO product placement. This reinforces my theory. Someone either on Team Britney or David's team has been leaking them which is probably making matters worse. It's the only parts of the video they can leak without being sued outright.



Wrong, you can see the videos with the gym and EOS product placement, same as the TVs, but I get what you mean and there's another thread about it which may confirm what you say.

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Honestly at this point, I'm over it. We may never know why it wasn't released. Could be because of your sponsor/david theory or as simple as the fact that Britney just didn't like it. In either case, I'm coming to accept the fact that there's not much the Britney team could do. If Britney didn't like the video in the end, what can they do about that? Force her to do it anyway? None of us fans would be comfortable with having to force Britney into being a puppet again for our sake. So in the end they had to release some cheap *** video because of time constraints. In order to make another awesome video they'd need the budget again and the time to come up with the idea and shoot it. If they took their time to make a bomb *** video, there would've been meltdowns from this fanbase anyway because we had been waiting forever by that point. If we had heard that the music video was delayed again, people still would've lost their ****. The meltdown was inevitable. I just wish at the end of it all, the B-team could've at least addressed the issue in a statement. 

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