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IF BRITNEY PERFORMS AT VMAS, what would your ideal performance be?


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For her to come out riding a horse while wearing the toilet paper wrap outfit from the single cover and there being some kind of invisible air making the toilet paper stuff flap in the wind behind the horse while she grinds and ooohs on the horse while doing some iconic hair flips. 


Then she gets off and does the original choreography from the video, and the horse kicks someone on accident so the VMA gets canceled and she's the only one able to perform at 2016 VMA. 


Also maybe Iggy will be in the audience(if she gets an invite) and we'll get to see queen walk right past her or something in the audience. 

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21 minutes ago, Faded said:

Sia opens with Cheap Thrills. Sia takes off her wig and it turns out it was Britney the whole time! Britney then sings Perfume live while all of her fragrance commercials play gently on screen. At the line "I'm gonna mark my territory", Hannah runs up to the stage and pees right there. Then Britney transitions to Tom's Diner. The curtain rises and Giorgio Moroder appears from behind while twerking to Tom's Diner. Meanwhile, Britney grabs an iced coffee from a Starbucks close to the VMA venue. Iggy Azalea and G-Eazy rap a mash-up of "Make Me (Pretty)" while putting makeup on each other and brushing each other's hair. Britney returns on stage to perform Private Show but she does it inside a black box so the audience and TV viewers can't see what she's actually doing in there. Glory starts to play, an R&B influenced and very urban track about the presidential election. Britney comes out from the box wearing a Donald Trump pompadour and nothing else. She closes by shouting "I love my gay boys!". The end.

This is the answer I was looking for. I literally snorted. :hype:

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24 minutes ago, button said:


I want her to dance like that with a similar outfit :unreal:


Ok so in another thread I said I want there to be NO ANNOUNCEMENT or anything. I don't want to expect Britney I want just want it to be a surprise TO THE WORLD and they say there's technical difficulties, oh no. The TV screens everywhere are like glitching, Britney shows up on the screen intermittently and it's all skipping and creepy while part of the set "catches fire," a bunch of firemen pop out and start to attack the blaze and Britney slides down a magical fire pole and does some super HOT CHOREO with the ******** firemen and they are all **** and stuff and they make it rain on the stage with the hoses and it's all WET WET DWAD WET CHOREO pounding the ground and just beautiful omg 

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Of course i would love her to perfomance MM but i would rather her to surprise us, as i said in another thread, i want Urbaney, with a good choreo and not any ****** or **** perfomance, i'm tired of them tbh, everyone is overusing *** and bizarre dancing, this is a good example of what i would like to see:








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3 minutes ago, ohoney said:

Of course i would love her to perfomance MM but i would rather her to surprise us, as i said in another thread, i want Urbaney, with a good choreo and not any ****** or **** perfomance, i'm tired of them tbh, everyone is overusing *** and bizarre dancing, this is a good example of what i would like to see:








Omg BoA I used to listen to her/them/whatever when I watched inuyasha on adult swim and one of their songs was in the closing credits ;,)

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2 minutes ago, cho said:

Omg BoA I used to listen to her/them/whatever when I watched inuyasha on adult swim and one of their songs was in the closing credits ;,)

Her lol, she's an AMAZING dancer and a very good singer you should really watch that video, i remember when she was with Britney in a show in Korea:


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33 minutes ago, cho said:

Ok so in another thread I said I want there to be NO ANNOUNCEMENT or anything. I don't want to expect Britney I want just want it to be a surprise TO THE WORLD and they say there's technical difficulties, oh no. The TV screens everywhere are like glitching, Britney shows up on the screen intermittently and it's all skipping and creepy while part of the set "catches fire," a bunch of firemen pop out and start to attack the blaze and Britney slides down a magical fire pole and does some super HOT CHOREO with the ******** firemen and they are all **** and stuff and they make it rain on the stage with the hoses and it's all WET WET DWAD WET CHOREO pounding the ground and just beautiful omg 

Sis I love what you suggested in bold, it's genius but I'm not here for any fire on stage. I don't like fire. :brityeah: You deserve a reputation for that idea anyways. :moorangu:

But I agree it must be dark and ****. Her face and hair must be on point too, like in the re-shot video. :orly: I'm not here for her showing up at the VMA looking average like she did for the Jimmy prank. :zoomzoom:

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The issue here is that her performance has to be heavy on dance talent and stage presence. None of this stiff out if sync ****. She has to stare at the audience intensely  and scowl like she used to.  Effects, production, concepts, and sets alone, are not going to make anything iconic. You see all the currents with all these effects and its boring as hell. I hope she can pull this off.

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2 hours ago, Faded said:

Sia opens with Cheap Thrills. Sia takes off her wig and it turns out it was Britney the whole time! Britney then sings Perfume live while all of her fragrance commercials play gently on screen. At the line "I'm gonna mark my territory", Hannah runs up to the stage and pees right there. Then Britney transitions to Tom's Diner. The curtain rises and Giorgio Moroder appears from behind while twerking to Tom's Diner. Meanwhile, Britney grabs an iced coffee from a Starbucks close to the VMA venue. Iggy Azalea and G-Eazy rap a mash-up of "Make Me (Pretty)" while putting makeup on each other and brushing each other's hair. Britney returns on stage to perform Private Show but she does it inside a black box so the audience and TV viewers can't see what she's actually doing in there. Glory starts to play, an R&B influenced and very urban track about the presidential election. Britney comes out from the box wearing a Donald Trump pompadour and nothing else. She closes by shouting "I love my gay boys!". The end.

Then the microphone is still accidentally on and you can hear her in the background "I'll do anything for the gays! Oh wait sorry, can I have those flowers? they will be my most liked instagram pic. Btw y'all did you see Bayonce, out there? She can suck my toe. Larry, where is my venti starbucks, and my Marlboro lights?" and then Megan Trainor runs on stage and sings Me Too, Britney goes on stage and jumps on her and sings Trouble For Me over the instrumental. And then Gaga comes on stage and Britney kisses her and Britney strips and screams "I'm moving to hawaii and i'm going to drink some hot hawaiian tea while I never record any music again, myah can do the work" Then Myah Marie takes over Britney's career while Britney turns full on soccer mom and ditches any dancing forever. That's the end. :cigney:

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