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From bad to worse


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Sorry for bringing more negativity but I got to get it off my chest...

She goes from bad to worse. Over the last 10 years she has gradually started to go backwards instead of progressing as an artist.

Think about it:

She doesn't even utter a word live anymore (she at least used to sing ballads live, pre-record vocals or sing over the track). Now she doesn't even bother to open her mouth half the time.

She dances less and less, and with less energy (apart from a very few rare moments, but lets be real here...!)

She seems less and less involved with her music (myah jean anyone?) Even with 'glory' she can only really say "it's a fun record, such and suchabody wrote it, it's really cool". Oh thanks for that Britney, really insightful. 

Her videos are getting worse, relying more and more on product placement, (Why? she has millions in the bank, she doesn't need to rely on shitty brands to flaunt their product. Think about how much she makes from Vegas alone!)

Let's take her last 4 videos- WB (looks great, she dances a bit, outfits are good, but it was basically just one big vegas advertisement). Then we got perfume. Erm... yeah, no need to say anything. Then we got Fugly girls.. the tackiest, cheesiest video she's probably ever done, until....... yaaaaay Make Me!! Just when we thought it couldn't get any worse.

I feel at this point she needs to decide what she wants. If she doesn't wanna be that **** popstar anymore then she should invest in her music and talent and show the world she's an artist. Because right now, she isn't even trying to be anything or anyone, she's just literally going through the motions.

I'm hoping the album is actually decent because if it isn't (not entirely convinced by make me and private show) not only do I think she'll lose a lot of fans, but I think she'll be better off retiring. This **** got embarrassing years ago...now it's just damn right pathetic. She's the laughing stock of the industry and NOT JUST because of the video but because of everything combined. 

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Clearly melting down for the sake of it. The quality of music is the best we've had in nearly a decade and she's written and composed both songs we've seen so far. Britney isn't eloquent in interviews she never explains things well. 

But thanks for the post I enjoyed bei transported back to the beginning of 2014. 

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