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The (Wonderfully) Weird World of the Britney Fan

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I was just thinking about the Make Me video and how this fan base is DYING for it. People are so thirsty for this video that they'll believe any rumor: it's been cancelled, it's been re-shot, the director removed his name from it, etc. There's no proof any of those rumors are true, yet this forum treats each one like it's gospel.

So many people are calling this era a mess, even thought it hasn't really even begun yet. Nothing has been confirmed. The album date was never confirmed. The video date was never confirmed. How can this era be a mess when nothing has officially changed? Too many people are taking these rumors as fact, then getting mad when they don't happen.

You know what era was a mess? Blackout. One terrible performance and one terrible interview. That's a mess. This is up in the air. It could go either way. But before we label it anything, let's watch and see what happens first.

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Yes IA with everything you said. Slay :mhm:



















































Although at least Blackout had a performance. We might not even get one this era :myjam:

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3 minutes ago, sunkissed said:

Yes IA with everything you said. Slay :mhm:



















































Although at least Blackout had a performance. We might not even get one this era :myjam:

I'd rather no performance than a terrible one, though. 

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2 minutes ago, BreatheOnMoi said:

I'm getting sick and tired of you flops ******** on Godout lately. Like stfu. It had hits and the music was good af. Piece Of Me would have never happened, literally, if Blackout didn't happen.

Peasants :leaving:


I don't think the OP meant the Blackout album was a mess. I think he/she just meant the overall era was messy, and it truly was.


The scrapped Gimme More funeral MV replaced with a ******** pole version created from Powerpoint, an animated 3rd single MV, and absolutely MINIMAL promo, except the VMA and Ryan Seacrest radio interview. Her bad rep at the time didn't help either. The era's redeeming qualities are both the gloriousness of the album itself and POM MV.


The era, however messy it was, doesn't detract or take away from the godliness of all the songs and the album, and it will always be my top 2 fave album of all time. Not just Britney albums :brityes:


But that era was a mess gurl :blurp:

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