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Music Reacts To Tragic Mass Shooting At Gay Nightclub In Orlando

Jordan Miller

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I really hate how narrow minded some humans are, I'm truly disgusted and lose faith in humanity little by little everyday. I don't and I can't understand how violence against minorities or hell even violence period is still a thing in 2016. Saying these disgusting human beings are animals is an insult to animals. Animals aren't cruel and evil. I'm depressed that we still live in such a violent and primitive world where violence is the answer. We live in a ****** up world 

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32 minutes ago, Avnit said:

You are not the problem, your religion is, it literally teaches hate and homophobia, why would you want to follow such primitive sick ideology, we're in 2016 hello science and computers bye bye cults and religions like seriously :surething:

It's none of your business i guess? Also its 2016 dont be racist

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3 minutes ago, mihailtodorovsky said:

It's none of your business i guess? Also its 2016 dont be racist

Innocent people are dying because of that, now if I knew personally one of them it would be very much of my business but let's get something clear, islam is not a race, since when Christians moslems and jews became a race, don't tell me being a Britney fan is a race too :mhmnod:

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Just now, Avnit said:

Innocent people are dying because of that, now if I knew personally one of them it would be very much of my business but let's get something clear, islam is not a race, since when Christians moslems and jews became a race, don't tell me being a Britney fan is a race too :mhmnod:

Are you blind? I already have said that im very sorry.And your opinion about my religion is like me saying '' USA terrorizing whole world so move to Canada please'' LOL 

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43 minutes ago, Avnit said:

You are not the problem, your religion is, it literally teaches hate and homophobia, why would you want to follow such primitive sick ideology, we're in 2016 hello science and computers bye bye cults and religions like seriously :surething:

so does christianity and judiasm in the EXTREME sects. Radicalism kills, the core of these religions is love but suppressed people. Organized religion needs to go, I am spiritual but most churches (not all, i go to a very accepting one) preach hate and fear. I bet that shooter is gay af but bigotry and his own shame caused him to do something so extreme

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3 minutes ago, mihailtodorovsky said:

Are you blind? I already have said that im very sorry.And your opinion about my religion is like me saying '' USA terrorizing whole world so move to Canada please'' LOL 

You don't need to be sorry, but if you think about it, you are spending your life defending something that someone else chose for you, it's silly, if it makes you happy practice it at home, I don't see why religions need to take place in public, governments ,and so on..... 

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1 hour ago, Avnit said:

I'm not surprised, in islam it is forbidden to be gay.... :britstare11: I hope things won't escalate in America like in Europe ,poor people only wanted to dance and have fun. This world is sick, why do I need to be afraid to dance in a club I ******* hate religions :tiffanycries:

Its sad how "religion" wich is supposed to be a good thing, has make men kill so many people, thats ****** up, I mean how dare you take away so many lives?? Im disgusted of these people 

1 hour ago, Avnit said:

I'm not surprised, in islam it is forbidden to be gay.... :britstare11: I hope things won't escalate in America like in Europe ,poor people only wanted to dance and have fun. This world is sick, why do I need to be afraid to dance in a club I ******* hate religions :tiffanycries:

Its sad how "religion" wich is supposed to be a good thing, has make men kill so many people, thats ****** up, I mean how dare you take away so many lives?? Im disgusted of these people 

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I thought this thread was about the news, and to see if everyone was okay, not to see how "music reacted" to it. 

I'm not american, but as a ******* human being who was raised well, I'm horrified, and my heart has been hurting the whole day. This is terrible. 

I really hope everybody's okay. You guys need to stand up and fight this. It's incredible that people are able to do things like this, somehow protected by US laws. 

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1 hour ago, Avnit said:

You are not the problem, your religion is, it literally teaches hate and homophobia, why would you want to follow such primitive sick ideology, we're in 2016 hello science and computers bye bye cults and religions like seriously :surething:

There have been other shootings in the name of Christianity. So pointing out Islam like it's the ONLY religion that has extremists is asinine and bigoted. There are plenty of muslims that do not subscribe to the extremist ideology. The actions of a few do not make up the whole religion. 

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