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Music Reacts To Tragic Mass Shooting At Gay Nightclub In Orlando

Jordan Miller

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8 minutes ago, Da Fr3ak said:

Exactly! Right when the whole bathroom drama died down this **** happens. We've been growing and things have gotten better compared to let's say 10 years ago. Then this **** happens that shows that we're not as accepted still.

There is always soemthing or someone that spread that hate. Innocent people die everyday but this, this was just an act of vengeanze and intolerance. HATE.

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I honestly don't want to live in this world  anymore. It's too cruel. I don't even want to be gay, the fact that i'm exposed and a target to such violence just because I like other boys makes me sick. I rarely cry but when I heard this news I did, it's heartbreaking. Gay people really are some of the strongest people to live, and we need to stick together.

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42 minutes ago, Dark Phoenix said:

Now B9 will sell 50 copies less :crying2:

You're a disgrace to humanity just as much as the people who gunned down innocent people.


Say bye to your account.  Hate the admins all you want, you don't get away with making light of 50 people being killed for absolutely no ******* reason.

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I'm not surprised, in islam it is forbidden to be gay.... :britstare11: I hope things won't escalate in America like in Europe ,poor people only wanted to dance and have fun. This world is sick, why do I need to be afraid to dance in a club I ******* hate religions :tiffanycries:

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2 hours ago, mihailtodorovsky said:

I'm muslim too and i dont kill or hurt anybody.Europeans? IM EUROPEAN MUSLIM.I'm not a migrant.My homeland is Europe.You probably dont know this but there are milions of European Muslims and im not talking about migrants.But if you are talking about isis they are not following islam they just kill EVERYBODY.

You are not the problem, your religion is, it literally teaches hate and homophobia, why would you want to follow such primitive sick ideology, we're in 2016 hello science and computers bye bye cults and religions like seriously :surething:

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46 minutes ago, bxw215 said:

It's both but it IS an act of terrorism for sure. It's radical Islam at its finest and isis is already claiming it


this guy has been under investigation since 2013, he's been linked to the Boston bombing. So many suspicions but our soft, ignorant president won't even do anything about it. He still refuses to point out Radical Islam! All he said it was an act of terror and hate. although it is, he's refusing to point that out. Shooter even pledged his allegiance to isis before shooting. 

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