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Vegas Gifs And Pictures Collection (Official Thread)

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Yeah she had because they told her..but because of wig there are not to many flips  :crying2:  But maybe they recorded few times more, when she didn't had the wig, we have to wait and see...

Hopefully they recorded that just for commercial & promo not for the DVD.

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But if it was for the commercial he wouldn't record the full show...but yeah let's wait and see in 2096  :overitkbye:

:selenerz: I'm sure that for the DVD she has to be blond and her hair won't be short, I'm sure about that.

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omg guys I just meet somebody on facebook that went on Britney's show month ago..and he told me they were recording the DVD this date, because he was near the camera guy who recorded the full show, remember when they posted proffesional gifs on her official tumblr tumblr_nb1e6fewEm1qguiwgo2_500.giftumblr_nb1e6fewEm1qguiwgo5_500.gif wigney is gonna be in the DVD  :lykeokyea:


So no POM choreo? brb gonna check vids from that date and see if she had energy  :juggingu:

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yeah I think that was the last time she did it, because of the DVD, and then she decided: what the ****, I don't need to do that anymore  :keshabye:


By "she did" I meant "had energy", she hasn't done the POM choreo for the past two legs (if you consider the October shows as a separate leg)

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