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easy last won the day on September 8 2023

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  1. I actually agree with you. I do believe some people have genuine concern. I've seen maybe 2 or 3 actual respectful concerned comments in this post.
  2. And yet I'm supposed to take their "concern" seriously like I said, they always tell on themselves.
  3. Isn't it funny how all the ones who aren't respectful with their concern are the ones defending their "concern" ? Funny how that works, huh?
  4. Yes I'm the one offended when y'all are the ones that go on the attack anytime someone suggests that maybe your cOnCeRn isn't actually concern.
  5. I love watching y'all dissect my comment the way y'all dissect Britney's life pretending as if you know what I meant when I said it. Really, you're just telling on yourselves at this point.
  6. Calling me delusional when you're relating yourself to a stranger
  7. You're the one that commented me dude. Funny how it's always y'all with the negative opinions screaming about your right to have one.
  8. THANK YOU!!!! This place is no longer safe for fans or for Britney. I'm disturbed by the comments here more than I am from the video. Jordan clearly does not care. He's added mods that fuel the same negativity.
  9. So glad there's still a few sane people left here, Jesus.
  10. Y'all need to stop calling everyone that doesn't agree with you delusional.
  11. Because your oPiNiOn is laced with an attack. Y'all don't seem to understand the difference between concern and criticism
  12. If anyone actually thinks these videos are remotely similar, the problem is definitely with y'all.
  13. It's a reflection of how they view themselves and I feel sorry for them.
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