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Britney Spears - Me Against the Music (T4 Channel 4 UK) [UHD 4K]


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8 hours ago, A.a.A said:

In the late 90s/early 2000s European/Asian markets advanced in film tech and they wanted to compete the with the biggest film industry in the world Hollywood (US). This is why is most Bollywood movies for example have dance breaks that are meant to appeal to American audiences/but also appeal to their own markets, making the movies seem higher budget/more Hollywood.

So this translated to music performances on TV, where they were trying to be artistic as possible, to make it seem as “Hollywood” as possible. I can tell exactly what they were trying to do with this edit, but theres wayyyyyy too many cuts/transitions, that it hurts the eye. I actually like the direction they were going for though.

That’s interesting!  Thanks for the background!

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