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Britney's energy has gotten so much better the last few shows and I found this video that shows a guy in the lights and sound booth recording the show with a high quality camera but the footage is pretty damn shaky. Do you guys think a POM DVD is something that'll be released? (And after seeing photos of her at the Vegas event yesterday, her face is looking more natural and her lips look like the fillers have worn out which is definitely a good thing) most of this video is recorded by the guy I was talking about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9-gx6VTSbk



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Honestly I would love to have a Vegas DVD !

If she pushes herself like the BMA performance to make it impactful, I'm all in. Which means, hair and make up on point, of course rehearsing her *** off the choreos.

And also live or pre-recorded vocals. But let's not go to far with exceptions.


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