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Watch Britney Spears Perform At The iHeartRadio Music Festival

Jordan Miller

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1 minute ago, Barbie Spears said:

Slay @ you saying literally everything that's been on my mind! 

I'm sick of people downvoting and dragging VALID criticisms from fans on this website. It's not hate! It's genuine concerns and tips for improvement, and it all comes from the respect we have for her legacy.

This. This. This. We have to adjust our expectations with Britney, not the other way around. And I really believed for a long time that she still wanted to be #1 and still had that fire and ambition as a performer in her, but I was wrong. 

IKR, people have called me names and slurs just because I've said an opinion that doesn't favor theirs it's cray. "Hater" is the funniest one. Like why would I intentionally go on a Britney fansite and dedicate my time and life to her, just to hate her. :queenie: I say those things because I want her to do really well and its coming from a place of love.


I've slowly learned not to set my expectations too high through the years. Slowly, because I was delusional for the longest time to think before every performance that "this is it, she's coming back" :moorangu: Only now, have I learned that she'll never have the same drive she had when she was starting. 


"I don't have anything to prove anymore"

*cringes* when lipping to "Living legend, you can look but don't touch"


She's not on top of the world anymore because she doesn't want to anymore. We can't have our expectations waaay up there, because she's only willing to give whatever she finds suited for herself.

But now I know what to and how much to expect: Set the bar low and I'm always happy that way :moorangu:

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Just now, westshouse said:

I remember when i first found out she lip synched and i didn't want to believe it and now i'm just like, "water is wet." I don't even get the point of making an entire album midtempo and less upbeat, if it isn't going to be performed live. i don't even get how she has repeatedly paid this album dust. We aren't even asking for much, we just want at least ONE live performances proving that she can still sing. 

What was the point of making pre-record vocals for FFT just to disregard that entire concept when POM first started and who on her team has allowed her to continue lip synching?

That's why it's embarrassing whenever she performs and hope she'll at least have pre-recorded vocals and we can't even have that :kidcries: 

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11 minutes ago, Steel_Magnolia said:


I know it's not popular to discuss the conservatorship on here, but I can't get past the idea that her life has been "too in control" for far too long now.

I don't think she'll be able to return to being the performer she once was until she finds her sense of abandon again. And that's not going to happen with the current team she's surrounded by right now.


and i'm so sad that it wasn't popular. imagine if you're in a conservatorship, even if its handled by your own father and he tells you that you can do what you want. you STILL will feel like a child having no real sense of freedom and would be absolutely afraid of making mistakes (it shows in her performance tbh). thing is, those 'wild bad striking girl' is the essence that defines primeney's dancing. so without that it's only natural that her style of dancing also change, in this case for the worse.

i really wish we could somehow shed light on this issue tbh. it's the age of internet people, can't we somehow keep bringing attention to this issue till they explain what actually went down at least or else? i'm about 90% sure she herself is not happy in that conservatoship. i can't begin to comprehend how and why someone, would be fine being in that situation, esp since a telephone recording of her basically saying her dad is gonna take away her kids from her has surfaced.

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6 minutes ago, saicis said:

"Most of us"...clearly not, have you read the comments on here? Her biggest fan base? People are TIRED!

Also how can you say her competition is 10 years younger? Beyonce? Rihanna? JLO? MADONNA?! Some of these ******* are 10 years older than Britney and can still run rings around her.

It is NOT about dancing. I don't care about that anymore. It's about giving something fresh different and showing you take your position seriously. How many times have we wished her well and supported her? All she ever does is give the same under-rehearsed boring stuff.

And yet again, she's a singer who doesn't sing. How can she not be embarrassed by that? Not ONE WORD live in over 10 years?

Before you all start with the 'performer' ****... performers sing and dance. Britney is a mime act. Say what you want, drag me to the pits of hell I don't care. 

you can drag yourself lol

something fresh? what do you want? I don't care about lip syncing so your wasting that argument with me, it doesn't give me any more respect for an artist in my opinion, if i'm in the mood for a live act i'll look up a live singer, i know what i'm getting with Brit.

every new performance she does something different, wether its choreo or a remix to a track, but yeah it's never Fresh!!! What do you actually want from her i'd like to know because it really doesn't matter if you get it or not you'll still complain.

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2 minutes ago, PieceofBritney said:

Your loss tbh. I thought it's her best performance since the knee injury and I'm sure the next one will be even better. 

I hope you are joking :sofedup:

She kept standing, walking and being cute. Toxic was OK but other than that... Let's just say long performances aren't her thing. :JLostare:

BBMA and VMA were better. And the best thing she did since the knee injury was the Circus video routine. :verycool:

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17 minutes ago, monti50 said:

She is doing things she hasn't done in ten years, she is dancing better and is way more present and looks great so why all the sudden when she is getting herself out there are you guys bitching.     I mean I can see if she killing everything during the circus and ff era, and gave us tons of promo, but we got nothing but stiff, and disconnected performances,

i thought it was great, way better then the bbmas,. Longer performance etc  


13 minutes ago, TheAllu said:

They'll only be satisfied when Britney magically transforms into her 2001 self :nothavingit:


Just now, PieceofBritney said:

Even then there'll something else. Earlier today I remember people begging "do the same as pom but just no leotards" ....yeah well now they are complaining it was just another "pom performance." 

YES! I wrote this earlier and I will write it now 'cause its the TRUTH! She will never be her 20-year-old-self again!! She is what she is now, finding the joy to perform again finally after many years, doing interviews etc. AND ALL EVERYONE (well at least theres some ppl still with some stan-dignity) is complain! You really dont know what she has in store for us in the future and BTW who puts out 2nd single after few months of the first?? Just thought of this... I WANT to hear more Glory tracks with new routines but hey, I believe they are coming... not just so fast as the fans want them...

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