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Second single... Am I the only..?


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8 hours ago, ashleyBritboy said:

Why though? Can you please help me like this song? I want to because I feel weird, I'm the only one who doesn't love it. (I don't hate it though) :saycheese:

Same here tbh. I never seem to get into the fan favorites for a single (Hot As Ice, Toy Soldier, Inside Out, Love Me Down, Just Luv Me).

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18 hours ago, Sinned_88 said:

Same here tbh. I never seem to get into the fan favorites for a single (Hot As Ice, Toy Soldier, Inside Out, Love Me Down, Just Luv Me).

Same I don't think I've loved or thought any of the songs Exhale wanted for singles for the last few albums would have worked.

Like Inside out for example... everyone loved it and thought it would have this big dance video, but that song just has a big beat, that really only "dancer's"  can actually dance to. Not pop/performance dancers like Britney and most other artists have for their songs. It would have been performed as a slow song.

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