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Why I am for Slumber Party as 2nd single, BUT


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I love this song. Like I fell in love with it the first time I heard it. I remember months ago when song names kept popping out and I was like "nah this is some teenager bullshit what's this kid song name". But boy was I wrong.

First of all, the reason why I would love to see it as 2nd single is because obviously everyone loves it. It's faster than Make Me, it can actually have great choreography along, but it's moody and really special. It will appeal both to gays and straights, especially the white folks who love ethnicity in their life.

Now, my BUT is coming. She should not in any single way or any case get a collab on it. Just no. If it's picked as 2nd single, she and her team NEED to execute this properly. They need to get info on future releases and do it close to any kind of major music event where she would be able to promote it. Since Gaga is releasing this week, I haven't heard of any other major release this month. Britney has slots for iHeart and Apple festival and she needs to use them for promotion of the single. As much as I love Make Me, I don't think it will go any higher than this. Thus, they need to move on.

The 2nd thing is that they need to go all out and redeem themselves for the visuals. The Make Me mess needs to be fixed and they need to make a proper ****, steamy and controversial music video. And they need to release it in the peak of the song hype. Let's say it's released in the week of iHeart and Apple. Then they need to wait a day or two, to release the video to get the streams and sales even higher.

Now honestly, this goes for any other single choice. They obviously want this to succeed but they always mess it up. They need a backup plan, just in case and they need to be prepared. They must not waste the iHeart and Apple opportunity, there isn't any major music event after that and promo on random tv shows is useless.

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