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Why Britney acts "Stiff"


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2 minutes ago, derick said:

Rythmn isn't something you lose theirs no way in hell a women as perfect at dancing as her can lose rythmn and fluidity...during circus is a prime example she didn't dance much but the steps she did she nailed  b/c she could still dance 

well she was...but after 2009 something was up with her personal life, medication...her FF choreo was very robotic...I doubt dancing was her main priority
you can lose rhythm if you halfass everything/don't practice, your body changes, after 4 years maybe her body could be fluid as it was(or close to it) but after 7 years with almost zero training...plus dancers mostly retire in their 30s and become choreographers for a reason 
let's not act like she's full of cement, she's fine but lack of practice for the past 7-8 years is visible 

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