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Fans Or Hawks?


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Soooooo... I just watched the performances and I thought they were good. They weren't mind-blowing, but they definitely were good. I feel like many people fail to see the big picture here - You can't look at a promo performance with the eyes of fans. This wasn't meant to be a groundbreaking performance for the fans that already know each and every move of her Vegas show, it was supposed to get the word out that she has a new album out, which they did.

I'm just saying - If I was a regular guy, not loving/hating her/not a massive fan, I'd watch those performances and I'd be like "Wow, that girl got a damn good body and it looks like she has a entertaining show in Vegas."

I feel like SOME of you watch her like a hawk, it's almost like you're the new paparazzi, just watching and waiting for her to screw up. I'm not saying you want her to screw up, but the love you have for that girl reaches levels where the expectations that are derived from that love are just not realistic anymore.

She performed well and someone who hasn't seen Vegas would most likely be like "oh that was cool" and go about their day. If they care about her enough, they'd purchase the album, if not they wouldn't purchase it even if she was to deliver your imaginary mind-blowing performance.

Also I really feel like the amount of promotion this era is fantastic- she's literally everywhere.

And I CANT at SOME people saying "If she only did this/wore this/looked like this/danced like this/performed this...." - NEWSFLASH: Her exposure after the VMAs was INSANE, she was even centerfold in that tiny fuckery of a newspaper they have in my 8,000 people town in Europe lol. WHATEVER she COULD HAVE DONE, it wouldn't have made one tiny inch of a difference. She got the PROMO she wanted and NEEDED and at the end of the day that's all that matters.

Long story short - It'd be cool if some of you guys (not everyone obviously so don't feel offended) would take a step back and actually enjoy at least some part of this era, rather than melting down over every TINY detail, that doesn't even really deserve a raised eyebrow (prime example: deluding yourself into thinking her performance would have been better by wearing a silver outfit rather than a yellow one.) Who knows how many eras like this we're gonna get!



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The thing is that I've tried to enjoyed this era and trust me, I was still scalped when she came out on the VMAs


The only thing is that for me, at least watching performances like TODAY show, I can already imagine what my friends are gonna say about it if they saw it (They love dragging her and I always have to justify why I stan her) I think that's the main reason I am unable to enjoy some of her performances because I anticipate what others are gonna be saying about her. :lustney:

But this era is def such an improvement from the past 9 years. I was def not able to enjoy the 2011 performances where she was sitting half the time:embarrassney:

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1 hour ago, -Brit Brit- said:


The thing is that I've tried to enjoyed this era and trust me, I was still scalped when she came out on the VMAs


The only thing is that for me, at least watching performances like TODAY show, I can already imagine what my friends are gonna say about it if they saw it (They love dragging her and I always have to justify why I stan her) I think that's the main reason I am unable to enjoy some of her performances because I anticipate what others are gonna be saying about her. :lustney:

But this era is def such an improvement from the past 9 years. I was def not able to enjoy the 2011 performances where she was sitting half the time:embarrassney:

You're good boo - I can see what you're saying and somehow I doubt from the way you talk you'd go after Brit in a harsh way to begin with :soyeah:

I honestly think there's 3 types of people (lol sorry brit ;)):

1. The GP who neither hate her nor love her (& who have a life lbr): They'll look at the promo performances and think - "ok cool. nice performance.." or they'll be like "is she lipsynching?" .. 2 minutes later, they go on about their day.

2. The GP that hate on her (incl. Bey/Gaga/KP fans): Those are the people a lot of fans quote as justification for them being so overly critical of Britney. "I just don't want her to get dragged." But in reality, I feel like whatever Britney does/will do, they WILL find a reason/way to drag her - be it the outfit, the lipsynching, the dancing, her face, her hair, her outfit... doesn't matter. She could give the best performance, and they would trash her because they love doing it.

3. The fans - They LOVE Britney obviously... There are fans who just appreciate her for what she does. And then the fans who nitpick everything they consider wrong in fear of what people from #2 will do.

If it eases your mind, I can tell you 3 (straight) friends of mine (2 girls, 1 guy) have seen her VMA performance with me being present. Neither one of them hates her, neither one of them loves her.

The straight guy said - "she's hot, ****/hot body, I'd do her. song's good too."

Girls - "That was a good performance, I loved her outfit and the song's great."

In all honesty, most of the hate I ever hear about her is from her own fans, on the internet (youtube) & bitchy gays (who are usually the ones that complain/moan about **** the most) :eheeek:

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1 hour ago, JamieBFan said:

People who are stating their opinions by simply saying they weren't feeling it or they didn't think it was her best and not being ridiculous about it are fine, But maybe the ones that are being way too harsh can go back and watch the promo performances Britney Jean had? :truthtea:






Thank you. 100%. I mean it's a free country - you're entitled to an opinion and no one needs to wear pink glasses and love everything - But yeah, I agree there's a time and a place, and a lotta people act like she ******** someone because she wore high heels they didn't like or forgot to comb her hair lol :tehe:

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