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Change Your Mind for 2nd Single !?!

Stifler's Mom

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Hmm, I'm undecided on this one. It's a great song without a doubt, but I'm not sure if it should be a single. Especially since there are so many other songs to consider. Do You Wanna Come Over?, Slumber Party, Love Me Down and Liar are my top contenders for single #2 and #3, Just Luv Me for #4. I wish we could just have like 6 singles because there are so many songs that deserve it, Better and Man On the Moon do as well.

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I am sorry but I really do not see it as a single. I think there are so many songs that would do better.

I know a lot of people here will not agree with me but I love clumsy and I hope it will be single n 2. It is very radio friendly and it will slay the clubs and the radios. It is the typical song that the gp would eat up! I am shure it would be a hit, just like scream and shout and ttwe. We need something like that!

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