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Make Me to sell 95k this week


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1 hour ago, Youll Have To Wait And See said:

Don't know, I only know that 2,500 streams= 1 album

Guys don't get so excited, when Make me debuted at 17, she had 5.2 M streams + 96k sales SO FAR SO GREAT buuutt

her radio points were 20 million in audience, so that means that if radio is not supporting the song will obviously rise, but that top 10 would be really reallyyyy hard.

Then ******* better request it!! 

It's so ******* easy! You spent 15 minutes to request on 100 stations!!! 100!!! Imagine the impact! I'm requesting twice a day from home and work PC

http://www.britneyarmy.net/request (remember to change the code before entering it)

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