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My truth tea


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The good:

- Britney was confident as much as her greatest days in POM show if not MORE. She showed the world her FIERCE look again

- She made that simple choreography look fun, cool, and on point

- She was gorgeousssss!!!!!

- She and G-Eazy look really hot together

- Me, Myself and I suprised me for good. Like what the hell, rock it!

The bad:

- The song may be great but it lacks energy, fierceness, and it showed. She was trying yo make too much from a really calm song

- The lighting was almost non existent, really looked unprofessional, white, plain and simple. Add to the SAME routine some lighting and fire when she went to the floor (like light that *** up on fire) or ANYTHING and ppl would have traveled to 2000s without a question

- The hands thing looked pretty just because she is a princess but come on, it's 2016 and that technique is far from new, innovative, wowy. People can see that some random birthday of some randome girl that wants to play being a popstar, not the VMAs after almost 10 years and for the Legend that she is. The screen even looked small. Like a window raising and closing, nothing spectacular about it

- She really, REALLY could have sang "Friday, im dreaming a mile a minute bout somebody. This feeling i wanna go with it cause theres no way we're gonna be fighting this tonight" LIVE. Yes, she could. But she choses not to. Or even make some prerecorded vocals, youre behind a screen and nobody would have noticed....

- The hood

- Going back to MM after MMandI sounded so weird and force musicaly speaking. Like if it was me the one who merged the songs with Audacity. She should have moved on to DYWCO instead. Going back just brings down the energy

- She was at her prime up to 2004 for A REASON. She was selling herself as a hard dancer and performer with iconic gimmicks. Nowadays as much as im proud of how far she has becomed, it is NOT CLEAR what the hell she is selling as a brand. POM is great. But the GP did not see it. Maybe BBMAs but again, she was a little nervous then and it is understandable. But it is also understandable that some ppl do not get what they are buying from her. Hard dancing choreography? Live singing?

- She has improved so much in the last couple of years but 2007 is really, REALLY far from 2016. We, the ones who love her, should not treat her as some incapable person and justify when she fails to top her game. If it is not going to be the dancing or the singing, bring a gimmick, bring some technology we have not seen yet, bring any resourse you want but be inspired and top your game.

- She said in an interview today that after it all ended she was just happy that it ended to say the truth and that speaks a LOT

- Im glad and happy for her life nowadays as a PeRSON, and im really happy cause i feel i love her as much as we all do or more, but she's saving for herself SO much. By now she should be the greatest ARTIST of them all. And yeah i said artist not just a performer relying on *** and fierceness. She is so theatrical, she can sing live, dance as nobody else can, play the piano, and she is reduced to a *** thing. Im really sad about this because she is so much more. And YES, she doesnt have to prove anything to nobody, but the case is she does not have to, she should want to do those things for herself to express her artist if she is one.

I hope you dont drag me for this and i know it is really long but this is me not trying to AVOID the issue but to ADRESS it and say what i feel the GP could be feeling.

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We live in a society where nothing is ever good enough. There is always something that could be improved. I am happy she does what she does the way she does it. She knows she could do better but chooses not to. And that is just fine. Because at the end of the day, no matter what you do, there wil always be people who will think it was not good enough. 

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1 minute ago, BritneyCroatia.com said:

We live in a society where nothing is ever good enough. There is always something that could be improved. I am happy she does what she does the way she does it. She knows she could do better but chooses not to. And that is just fine. Because at the end of the day, no matter what you do, there wil always be people who will think it was not good enough. 

I know this and i agree but dont think this is the case.

I do not like Beyonce, i really dont. I cant feel her music nor her style. But i cannot say objectively that she did not try to GROW, to top herself, to EXPRESS some feeling. Same with Rihanna and others.

When SO many ppl think something i guess taking it should be considered, and not choosing to keep on justifying things. This atittude has made britney lose SO many fans its sad

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1 minute ago, BritneyLover said:

I know this and i agree but dont think this is the case.

I do not like Beyonce, i really dont. I cant feel her music nor her style. But i cannot say objectively that she did not try to GROW, to top herself, to EXPRESS some feeling. Same with Rihanna and others.

When SO many ppl think something i guess taking it should be considered, and not choosing to keep on justifying things. This atittude has made britney lose SO many fans its sad

I think that Britney got burned enough persuing her career and doing her best. Plus if she has anxiety problems, its really hard to balance private life and job. I know because I have anxiety too. So its unreal to expect her to do something more demanding. She has her kids now and her priorities have changed. As for the lost fans, well, you win some,you loose some. 

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