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About Glory and pre order sales...


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First of all like I said in another thread this is now my all time favorite Britney album. And that will not change if it goes number one or not. 

Found this on UKMIX and wanted to share it with you guys. 

"Madonna's "Rebel Heart" pre-orders were estimated at around 50,000 to 60,000 copies, and the album debuted at number two on the Billboard 200 chart with 121,000 album equivalent units (with pure album sales of 116,000 copies). Maybe this can give us a clue what to except if "Glory" really has 43,000 copies pre-ordered." 

I trust this fan base. I know what we're capable of doing and now were motivated cause we just got a masterpiece. 

Don't take these numbers for granted if they really are 43k preorders already. Buy, gift and stream nonstop even when you're sleeping put that album on repeat on mute. All night long. 

Im happier than I've ever been as a fan cause I just got the dream album I always wanted but I also want her to be number one and i know most of you want it too. 

Let's get ready for that number one album. We can do it ******* :makesomenoise:

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